English Language and Comprehension Study Material
The English Language is one of the most scoring subjects in competitive exams, which is used to analyse and test a candidate’s fundamental knowledge in the English Language. In some exams, it is asked as the English Language, English Language and Comprehension and Verbal Ability, but the core of all these sections remains the same. English subject in competitive exams comprises Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar. The candidate’s knowledge is tested based on these topics. So, if you want to score remarkable marks in English, then study from PendulumEdu’s English study material, which is designed and prepared by our expert faculties in English Language and exam experts.
The English language study material is designed in such a manner that it will help you score good marks and ensure selection in competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, IBPS Clerk, IBPS PO, SBI, UPSC CDS, State PCS Exams, etc. The study material is fully equipped with comprehension passages from diverse areas, easy to advance level grammar topics, and highly rich vocabulary content.
In our study material, English subject is broadly divided into three areas:
- Comprehension
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
The comprehension section will include passages from diverse areas of Health, Environment, Education, Sociology, Psychology, Economy, Politics, History, Social Science, and so on. The comprehension section will also include a variety of questions. In the study material, tips and strategies will be shared with you, which will help you to solve comprehension questions.
The Grammar section of the English language involves various types of questions ranging from Error Recognition, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Formation, Sentence Structure, Ordering of Sentences, Cloze Test, Jumble Words/Phrases, One Word Substitution, etc. Consistent and continuous practise of Parts of Speech, Active & Passive Voice, Reported Speech and basic English Grammar needs to be done to score good marks in English. It is necessary to know and understand Grammatical Rules to avoid any grammatical mistake in the exam. Keeping in mind the quality of content to be delivered to the candidates to score well in exams, our Study Material includes all the Grammatical Rules and Tips which help the candidate to understand and learn all the topics effectively and efficiently.
Vocabulary plays a vital role in the English section of all competitive exams. Vocabulary includes Antonyms, Synonyms, Word-Meanings, Idioms, Spelling Mistakes, and so on. Questions from basic to advanced level will be prepared by our expert team members, which will eventually help you to build a good vocabulary. Also, various tips and strategies on how to build good vocabulary will be included in our study material. You can visit our YouTube Channel PendulumEdu for The Hindu Editorial Vocabulary, which will give you a deep insight or analysis of Hindu Editorial Articles and the use of the words as per the context. Also, Word of the Day is published on our website daily, which will help you build your vocabulary.
So, prepare your English topics with study material of English by PendulumEdu and aim to score 100% marks in English Language Exam
Question Of The Day
Sheorinarayan fair is held in which of the following states? /शिवरीनारायण मेला निम्नलिखित में से किस राज्य में आयोजित किया जाता है? [SSC CHSL 17 August 2023, 4th shift]