Class VIII

23-08-2023 16:38 PM IST Priyanka Chaudhary

CBSE Class 8 plays an important role in building the concepts of students. Read Class 8 NCERT notes according to subject and chapter. These notes will save you time while going through NCERT and creating your own notes. These notes are also helpful in quick revision before exams. These will help you improve your score as students will be able to focus on important points and concepts. Candidates preparing for exams like State PCS, UPSC Civil Services, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, RRB NTPC, Teaching Exams, etc. need to refer to NCERTs and revise the concepts. These NCERT Class 8 notes will also help such candidates in scoring better. It is recommended to all competitive exams aspirants to study the NCERT gist of class 8.

In this section, PendulumEdu provides you free CBSE Class 8 Notes for all those students who are studying at the school level or higher education or preparing for some government exam. Subjects covered are - NCERT Class 8 Geography Notes, NCERT Class 8 Science Notes, NCERT Class 8 History Notes, NCERT Class 8 Social Science Notes or Polity Notes, NCERT Class 8 Science Notes.


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