The Hindu Vocabulary 1 June 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 01 June 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘Storm and strife: On Centre-Bengal tussle’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Strife |
Noun |
angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict. (विवाद) |
Conflict, Friction, Discord, Disagreement, Dissension, Variance |
Harmony, Peace, Cooperation, Euphony, Consonance |
There was an intense strife within the community. |
Conflicting |
Verb |
be incompatible or at variance; clash. (प्रतिकूल) |
Clash, Vary, Differ, Inconsistent, Diverge, Disagree, Oppose |
Harmonious, Tuneful, Melodic, Congruous, Coordinated |
The interests of my father and mother often conflict. |
Gloss over |
Phrase |
try to conceal or disguise something unfavourable by treating it briefly or representing it misleadingly. (छिपाना [) |
Conceal, Hide, Cover, Covert, Disguise, Veil, Camouflage |
Disclose, Reveal, Open, Overt, Exaggerate, Uncover, Publish |
The social impact has been glossed over by the NGO workers. |
Confrontational |
Adjective |
tending to deal with situations in an aggressive way; hostile or argumentative. (कांफ्रण्टेशनल) |
Antagonistic, Aggressive, Belligerent, Bellicose, Combative |
Friendly, Mild, Gentle, Kind, Clement, Light, Forgiving |
I like to be at a distance from the confrontational disputes. |
Vindictive |
Adjective |
having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. (प्रतिशोधी) |
Vengeful, Revengeful, Avenging, Unforgiving, Resentful, Unrelenting, Acrimonious, Poisonous |
Forgiving, Merciful, Lenient, Pitying, Humane, Magnanimous |
The censure presented at the meeting was vindictive. |
Oversee |
Verb |
supervise (a person or their work), especially in an official capacity. (निरीक्षण करना) |
Supervise, Inspect, Run, Manage, Direct, Lead, Chair |
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The secretary of the state oversees the impact of the disaster. |
Acrimony |
Noun |
bitterness or ill feeling. (कड़ुवापन) |
Bitterness, Rancour, Resentment, Ill will, Spleen, Nastiness |
Goodwill, Benevolence, Compassion, Tenderness, Amity |
The company got ruined because of the acrimony between the brothers. |
Apportioning |
Verb |
divide up and share out. (विभाजित करना) |
Allocate, Distribute, Allot, Assign, Dispense, Ration |
Withdraw, Take back, Cancel, Rescind |
Voting power will be apportioned among us within a week. |
Belittle |
Adjective |
dismiss (someone or something) as unimportant. (छोटा महसूस कराना, इज़्ज़त कम करना) |
Disparage, Deprecate, Downgrade, Embarrass, Denigrate |
Encourage, Uplift, Praise, Magnify, Enhance |
She belittled my brother in front of everyone. |
Trouncing |
Verb |
defeat heavily in a contest. (भारी हार) |
Annihilate, Drub, Crush, Whip, Thrash, Crucify |
Build, Aid, grow, help, Assist |
Our team trounced the opponents badly. |
Interlocutor |
Noun |
a person who takes part in a dialogue or conversation. (वार्ताकार) |
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No one trusted the interlocutor. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 1 June 2021