The Hindu Vocabulary 10 February 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 10 February 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘Troubled mountains: On Uttarakhand glacier disaster’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Prompt |
Noun |
an act of encouraging. (प्रेरित करना) |
Trigger, Elicit, Induce, Evoke, Provoke |
Settle, Deter, Restrain, Stop, Hinder |
The prompt given by the leader was not satisfactory. |
Staggering |
Adjective |
deeply shocking; astonishing. (चौंका देने वाला) |
Astonishing, Surprising, Amazing, Astounding, Surprising |
Simple, Easily, Plainly, Knowingly |
The staggering growth was the reason of our amazement. |
Ensuing |
Verb |
occurring afterwards or as a result. (आगामी) |
Later, Future, Upcoming, Forthcoming |
Over, Past, Previous, Former, Erstwhile |
The ensuing project yielded huge benefits. |
Dislodged |
Verb |
remove from a position of power or authority. (हटाना) |
Move, Shift, Reduce, Remove, Eradicate |
Place, Apply, keep, Hold, Lodge |
The reporter has dislodged the complaint. |
Unsuspecting |
Adjective |
not aware of the presence of danger; feeling no suspicion. (पहले से न सोचा) |
Unwary, Unsuspicious, Unconscious, Off guard |
Onguard, Wary, Cautious, Knowing |
There was a serious allegation against the unsuspecting victims. |
Frailty |
Noun |
the condition of being weak and delicate. (निर्बलता) |
Infirmity, Weakness, Debility, Fragility |
Strength, Strongness, Robust, Sturdy |
He was bothered of the increasing frailty of old age. |
Epitomise |
Verb |
be a perfect example of. (का एक आदर्श उदाहरण हो।) |
Embody, Incorporate, Typify, Exemplify |
Ignore, Avoid, Neglect, Ignorance |
The officer epitomised his grievances. |
Devastated |
Verb |
destroy or ruin. (तबाह हो गया) |
Destroy, Ruin, Wreck, Ravage |
Safeguard, Protect, Shield, Guard |
The city was devastated by a huge earthquake. |
Aberration |
Noun |
a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one. (हटना) |
Deviation, Divergence, Abnormality, Irregularity |
Regular, Even, Normal, Clear, Straight |
The outbreak served as an aberration. |
Siltation |
Noun |
is water pollution caused by particulate terrestrial clastic material, with a particle size dominated by silt or clay. ()गाद या मिट्टी से निकले कण आकार के साथ पार्टिकुलेट स्थलीय पदार्थ के कारण जल प्रदूषण होता है |
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The landslide was caused due to siltation. |
Rigorously |
Adverb |
in an extremely thorough and careful way. (कठोरता से) |
Carefully, Cautiously, Presently, Aware |
Unaware, Carelessly, Recklessly, Incautious |
The process was urged rigorously. |
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