The Hindu Vocabulary 12 May 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 12 May 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘Outreach and overreach: On judicial intervention during COVID-19 crisis’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Outreach |
Noun |
the extent or length of reaching out. (बढ़ जाना) |
Extent, Stretch, Range, Scope, Compass, Dimension |
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His loving outreach to the improvement. |
Usurp |
Verb |
take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force. (हड़पना) |
Seize, Take over, Expropriate, Take, Wrest, Steal |
Give, Provide, Extend, Grant |
Jack decided to usurp the throne. |
Flailing |
Adjective |
wave or swing wildly. (लहर या स्विंग बेतहाशा) |
Wave, Swing, Windmill, Beat about, Thrash, Flap |
Stable, Static, Fix, Steady, Changeless, Unchanging |
My arms flailed as I started to jog. |
Apotheosis |
Noun |
the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. (किसी चीज़ के विकास में उच्चतम बिंदु; एक परिणति या चरमोत्कर्ष।) |
Culmination, Climax, Peak, Pinnacle, Summit, Apex, Zenith |
Nadir, Zero, Bottom, Low, Lowest |
Being the CEO was the apotheosis of his career. |
Equitable |
Adjective |
fair and impartial. (न्याय्य) |
Fair, Just, Impartial, Unbiased, Proper, Rightful, Neutral |
Unequitable, Unfair, Prejudiced, Discriminatory, Preferential |
The public demanded equitable distribution of the resources. |
Remit |
Verb |
cancel or refrain from exacting or inflicting (a debt or punishment). (छोड़ना) |
Cancel, Revoke, Set aside, Rescind, Abrogate, Suspend |
Allow, Permit, Let, Sanction, Authorize |
The act of reimbursement was remitted. |
Set off |
Phrase |
begin a journey. (प्रस्थान करना) |
Set out, Set forth, Leave, Embark, Start, Depart |
Stop, Prohibit, Cancel, End, Prevent |
They set off their journey with full energy. |
Calibrated |
Verb |
carefully assessed, set, or adjusted. (ध्यान से मूल्यांकन, सेट, या समायोजित) |
Evaluated, Gauged, Appraised, Estimated, Rated |
Ignore, Neglected, Rejected, Avoided |
Core policies need calibrated reforms. |
Encroaching |
Verb |
intrude on (a person's territory, rights, personal life, etc.). (अतिक्रमण) |
Intrude, Trespass, Impinge, Cut in, Obtrude |
Withdraw, Quit, Give up, Remove, Take back |
He is always encroaching in the decisions made. |
Obliged |
Verb |
make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something. (आभारी) |
Required, Compelled, Bind, Make, Constrain, Obligate, Force, Binding |
Liberal, progressive, Modern, Free, Unrestrictive, Unhindered |
They obliged us with their help. |
Succour |
Noun |
assistance and support in times of hardship and distress. (परेशानी में सहायता) |
Aid, Help, Assistance, Ministration, Comfort, Ease, Relief |
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The wounded soldier had little succour. |
Suo motu |
Noun |
relating to an action taken by a court of its own accord, without any request by the parties involved. (किसी भी पक्ष के अनुरोध के बिना, अपने स्वयं के अदालत के द्वारा की गई कार्रवाई के साथ जुड़े हुए) |
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The court has taken suo motu notice of the case. |
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