The Hindu Vocabulary 18 May 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 18 May 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘Artless and heartless: On Central Vista project’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Demolition |
Noun |
the action or process of demolishing or being demolished. (विध्वंस) |
Destruction, Flattening, Obliteration, Razing, Wrecking |
Construction, Confirmation, Support, Aid, Help, Foundation |
The NGO workers saved the monument from demolition. |
Imperious |
Adjective |
arrogant and domineering. (दंभपूर्ण) |
Peremptory, High-handed, Commanding, Imperial, Overbearing |
Meek, Weak, Gentle, Quiet, Shy, Minor |
We couldn’t keep with his imperious demands. |
Grandeur |
Noun |
splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style. (भव्यता) |
Splendour, Magnificence, Glory, Majesty, Greatness, Pomp |
Subdued, Compressed, Ordinary, Common, Simple |
His grandeur was admirable. |
Colossus |
Noun |
a statue that is much bigger than life size. (विशाल) |
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The colossus at the new museum is a sheer waste of money. |
Showmanship |
Noun |
skill at entertaining, theatrical presentation, or performance. (कौतुककला) |
Skill, Adroitness, Expertise, Ability, Dexterity, Capability |
Incompetence, Inability, Ineptness, Incapacity, Clumsiness |
My brother has a flair for showmanship. |
Befell |
Verb |
(especially of something bad) happen to (someone). (होना) |
Overtake, Hit, Strike, Occur, Happen, Arise, Emerge |
End, Finish, Curb, Control |
A tragedy befell my friend’s family. |
House |
Verb |
provide space for; contain or accommodate. (उपलब्ध कराना) |
Contain, Store, Hold, Keep, Enclose, Encase |
Reveal, Release, Emit, Disclose, Expose |
They agreed to house the leftover grains. |
Intolerance |
Noun |
unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one's own. (असहनीयता) |
Bigotry, Insularity, Prejudice, Inequality, Partiality |
Fair, Just, Impartial, Neutral, Objective, Detached |
His intolerance is what people do not like in him. |
Unprecedented |
Adjective |
never done or known before. (अभूतपूर्व) |
Unparalleled, Unequalled, Unrivalled, Unusual, Singular, Novel |
Normal, Common, Ordinary, Regular, Frequent, Mundane |
The virus impact is unprecedented. |
Archival |
Adjective |
of suitable quality to be used in archives. (पुरालेखी विधि) |
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They asked us to share the archival links. |
Calmer |
Adjective |
not disturbed. (शांत) |
Tranquil, Still, Smooth, Glassy, Flat, Motionless, Stilly |
Rough, Stormy, Uneven, Irregular, Bumpy |
The night was calmer and softer. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 18 May 2021