The Hindu Vocabulary 21 November 2020
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 21 November 2020 is from the Editorial titled ‘Curbing on-air bigotry: On free speech, hate speech and regulation’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Bigotry |
Noun |
stubborn and complete intolerance. (कट्टरता) |
Bias, Discrimination, Prejudice, Racism |
Fairness, Impartiality, Tolerance, Bear |
We couldn’t bear the bigotry anymore. |
Distinction |
Noun |
a difference or contrast between similar things or people. (भेद) |
Difference, Contrast, Discrepancy, Divergence, Division |
Accord, Agreement, Harmony, Conformity, Similarity |
It is important to know the distinction between biased and unbiased. |
Communally |
Adverb |
belonging to the people of a community. (सामुदायिक रूप से) |
Collectively, Unanimously, Together, Cooperatively, Unitedly |
Individually, Solely, Separately, Alone |
The agenda was supported communally. |
Elicit |
Verb |
evoke or draw out. (प्रकाश में लाना) |
Evoke, Exhort, Extort, Extract, Obtain, Evolve |
Give, Placate, Soothe, Hide, keep |
The police officer elicited the truth from the criminal. |
Inflammatory |
Adjective |
arousing or intended to arouse angry or violent feelings. (भड़काऊ) |
Angering, Instigative, Incendiary, Rabid, Rebellious |
Calming, Mitigating, Placating, Pleasing |
Her inflammatory remarks instigated the group. |
Noun |
a depiction of someone or something in a work of art or literature; a picture. (वर्णन) |
Description, Depiction, Imitation, Portrait, Copy, Likeness |
Original, Novelty, New |
The portrayal was not well though of. |
Vicious |
Adjective |
deliberately cruel or violent. (शातिर) |
Atrocious, Barbarous, Vile, Violent, Wicked |
Calm, Civilized, Gentle, Good, Honourable |
The strategy she prepared was extremely vicious. |
Reluctant |
Adjective |
unwilling and hesitant; disinclined. (अनिच्छुक) |
Afraid, Averse, Cautious, Wary, Hesitating |
Bold, Careless, Certain, Confident, Incautious |
I was reluctant to lie to my parents. |
Affidavit |
Noun |
a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court. (शपथ पत्र) |
Testimony, Affirmation, Oath |
- |
They shared but did not dispatch the affidavit. |
Predominantly |
Adverb |
mainly; for the most part. (मुख्य रूप से) |
Broadly, Chiefly, Majorly, Primarily, Supremely |
Apparently, Casually, Carelessly, Hastily, Frivolously |
At present, we should predominantly focus on our health. |
Partisan |
Noun |
a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person. (पक्षपातपूर्ण) |
Biased, One-sided, Sectarian, Exclusive, Prejudiced |
Fair, Unbiased, Disinterested, Uninterested |
She knew she would fail, so she resorted to a partisan approach. |
Leniency |
Noun |
the fact or quality of being more merciful or tolerant than expected; clemency. (ढील) |
Compassion, Mercy, Tolerance, Lenience |
Cruelty, Strict, Meanness, Strictly |
Leniency extended by the teacher did more harm. |
Egregious |
Adjective |
outstandingly bad; shocking. (भयंकर) |
Extreme, Atrocious, Gross, Monstrous, Nefarious |
Concealed, Good, Hidden, Mild, Minor |
Her thinking is egregious. |
Flagrant |
Adjective |
(of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive. (दुष्ट) |
Brazen, atrocious, Disgraceful, Shameful, Shameless |
Good, Timid, Moral, Silent |
It was flagrant from his response that he disliked the taste. |
Breach |
Verb |
break or fail to observe. (उल्लंघन) |
Rupture, Break, Crack, Discontinue, Disrespect |
Follow, Abide, Closure, Support |
We were conveyed not to breach the contract. |
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