The Hindu Vocabulary 30 March 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 30 March 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘In-house secrets: On A.P. CM’s charges against Justice Ramana’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Waive |
Verb |
refrain from insisting on or using. (छोड़ देना) |
Relinquish, Renounce, Abandon, Reject, Surrender |
Claim, Pursue, Assert, Hold, Affirm |
The company will waive all his rights over the shares. |
Grave |
Adjective |
giving cause for alarm; serious. (गंभीर) |
Profound, Serious, Urgent, Acute, Risky, Dire, Critical, Crucial |
Trivial, Insignificant, Inconsequential, Paltry, Worthless |
The issue is of grave concern. |
Opaqueness |
Noun |
the quality of not able to be seen through; not transparent. (अस्पष्टता) |
Misty, Hazy, Unclear, Cloudy, Blurred, Smeared |
Clear, Transparent, Translucent, Pellucid, Glassy |
The opaqueness of the deal was questionable. |
Norm |
Noun |
something that is usual, typical, or standard. (आदर्श) |
Standard, Usual, Normal, Typical, Average |
Exception, Anomaly, Irregularity, Deviation, Inconsistency |
We had to go against the norm to get the file through. |
Crux |
Noun |
the decisive or most important point at issue. (निचोड़) |
Nub, Heart, Essence, Core, Centre, Nucleus, Kernel |
Unimportant, Trivial, Minor, Insignificant |
The crux of the discussion is that we should bring this process to an end. |
Hostile |
Adjective |
showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly. (शत्रुतापूर्ण) |
Antagonistic, Aggressive, Confrontational, Belligerent, Bellicose, Pugnacious |
Inhostile, Calm, Friendly, Mild, Clement, Forgiving |
We had to witness a hostile audience at the showdown. |
Wielded |
Verb |
have and be able to use. (उपयोग करने में सक्षम हो) |
Exercise, Exert, Have, Hold, Command, Control, Maintain |
Leave, Drop, Ignore, Avoid, Disregard |
The leaders wielded great power within the party. |
Proximity |
Noun |
nearness in space, time, or relationship. (निकटता) |
Closeness, Nearness, Presence, Propinquity, Vicinity, Vicinage |
Distant, Far, Faraway, Remote, Outlying, Abroad |
They guided us not to use the tab in close proximity to television sets. |
Speculative |
Adjective |
engaged in, expressing, or based on conjecture rather than knowledge. (काल्पनिक) |
Conjectural, Theoretical, Hypothetical, Tentative, Abstract |
Proven, Tested, Manifested, Demonstrated, Evinced |
He made a speculative guess that the chief will not be there. |
Ipso facto |
Noun |
by that very fact or act. (बहुत तथ्य या कार्य द्वारा।) |
- |
- |
His friend may not be ipso facto your friend. |
Unsavoury |
Adjective |
disagreeable and unpleasant because morally disreputable. (बेमजा) |
Disreputable, Unpleasant, Nasty, Disagreeable, Mean, Rough |
Simple, Generous, Kind, Reputable, Scrupulous, Moral, Ethical |
He holds an unsavoury reputation here in the market. |
Substantiate |
Verb |
provide evidence to support or prove the truth of. (सिद्ध करना) |
Prove, Support, Uphold, Validate, Vindicate, Verify, Establish |
Disprove, Refute, Rebut, Confute, Demolish, Explode |
The minister was not given enough opportunity to substantiate his innocence. |
Bandy |
Verb |
pass on or discuss (an idea or rumour) in a casual or uninformed way. (एक आकस्मिक या असिंचित तरीके से (एक विचार या अफवाह) पर चर्चा या चर्चा करें।) |
Discuss, Circulate, Rumour, Diffuse, Propagate, Pass on |
Restrict, Constrict, Limit, Control, Debar, Obstruct |
They have bandied out 4 million dollars until now. |
Animosity |
Noun |
strong hostility. (दुश्मनी) |
Antipathy, Hostility, Friction, Animus, Opposition, Enmity |
Cordial, Friendly, Goodwill, Friendship, Attachment |
The animosity between the two parties is growing day by day. |
Behove |
Verb |
it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something. (जरूरत है) |
Befit, Become, Suit, Incumbent, Obligatory, Required |
Optional, Unnecessary, Unsuitable, Inappropriate |
The announcement behoves us to work even harder to achieve the target. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 30 March 2021