The Hindu Vocabulary 9 January 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 09 January 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘The pursuit of Assange: On U.S. efforts to WikiLeaks founder’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Pursuit |
Noun |
the action of pursuing someone or something. (लक्ष्य) |
Chasing, Pursuing, Stalking, Tracking, Trailing |
Ignoring, Avoiding, Letting go, Denying |
The pursuit of happiness is all we strive for. |
Benign |
Adjective |
gentle and kindly. (सौम्य) |
Kind, Generous, Friendly, Warm, Affectionate |
Unfriendly, Hostile, Enmity, Disagreeable |
He was of benign nature and everyone adored him. |
Extradition |
Noun |
the action of extraditing a person accused or convicted of a crime. (किसी अभियुक्त या किसी अपराध के दोषी व्यक्ति को प्रत्यर्पित करने की कार्रवाई।) |
Deportation, Handover, Repatriation, Refoulment, Expulsion |
- |
The extradition of Muslim accused was completed. |
Setback |
Noun |
a reversal or check in progress. (नाकामयाबी) |
Problem, Difficulty, Issue, Hitch |
Step forward, Breakthrough, Advance, Quantum leap |
The pandemic has proven to be a major setback. |
Oppressive |
Adjective |
inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment. (अत्याचारी) |
Harsh, Cruel, Brutal, Crushing, Repressive |
Kind, Gentle, Humble, Generous |
Yash is of oppressive nature. |
Detention |
Noun |
the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody. (निरोध) |
Custody, Imprisonment, Confinement, Internment |
Relaxation, Relieved, Composure, Calm |
Their detention called for commotion. |
Espionage |
Noun |
the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military information. (जासूसी) |
Spying, Surveillance, Intelligence, Infiltration |
- |
The espionage of the spy was a failure at the end. |
Encrypt |
Verb |
convert (information or data) into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access or conceal. (छिपाना) |
Hide, Conceal, Secrete, Screen, Cover |
Uncover, Reveal, Open, Overt |
They encrypted the code. |
Relentlessly |
Adverb |
in an unceasingly intense or harsh way. (लगातार) |
Intensely, Harshly, Forcibly, Rigorously |
Slowly, Gradually, Moderately, Gently, Gingerly |
I relentlessly urged him to opt for Science. |
Assertion |
Noun |
a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief. (अभिकथन) |
Declaration, Contention, Claim, Statement |
- |
My father’s assertion was the one we all had to agree to. |
Sweep under the carpet |
Phrase |
To hide. (छिपाना) |
Secrete, Hide, Camouflage, Bury, Cover, Covert |
Overt, Open, Disclose, Reveal, Release |
We decided to sweep the new bag under the carpet. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 9 January 2021