The Hindu Vocabulary 2 December 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 2 December 2023 is from the Editorial titled “A lot at stake: On India and the impact of the indictment by the U.S. Department of Justice".


Part of Speech/Idiom







A pointed stick or post used for support or marking boundaries; a share or interest in a business or venture.


Picket, Post, Pole, Support, Share, Investment, Interest, Bet, Wager, Ante

Withdrawal, Divestment, Forfeit, Loss, Disinterest, Forfeiture, Relinquishment, Abandonment, Surrender, Abstention

The farmer used stakes to support young saplings in the garden.



A formal accusation or charge of a serious crime.


Accusation, Charge, Allegation, Impeachment, Complaint, Prosecution, Blame, Denunciation, Assertion, Incrimination

Acquittal, Exoneration, Vindication, Clearing, Defense, Justification, Approval, Praise, Commendation, Applause

The grand jury issued an indictment against the suspect for fraud and embezzlement.



The act of deliberately killing a prominent or important person, especially for political reasons.


Murder, Homicide, Killing, Execution, Slaying, Liquidation, Slaughter, Manslaughter, Regicide

Rescue, Protection, Preservation, Safeguarding, Security, Safety, Life-saving, Liberation, Release

The president narrowly escaped an assassination attempt.



To turn or bend something out of its normal shape; a distortion or spiral movement.


Turn, Curve, Coil, Spiral, Rotate, Warp, Contort, Wrinkle, Wrench, Wind

Straighten, Untwist, Uncoil, Unwind, Smooth, Release, Align, Unbend, Extend, Stretch

She decided to twist the wire into a spiral shape for her art project.



Asserted or stated to be true without providing proof; accused but not proven guilty.


Supposed, Purported, Claimed, Presumed, Suspected, Apparent, Ostensible, So-called, Proposed

Proven, Confirmed, Established, Evident, Demonstrated, Actual, Proven, Verified, True

The alleged thief was taken into custody pending further investigation.



An act of extreme violence, cruelty, or offensiveness; an intense and violent reaction to something offensive.


Atrocity, Brutality, Cruelty, Offense, Violation, Indignation, Fury, Anger, Wrath, Offend

Praise, Approval, Commendation, Applause, Admiration, Respect, Calm, Tolerance, Acceptance, Forgiveness

The news of the heinous crime provoked public outrage.



To suggest or express indirectly; to indicate without explicitly stating.

(सूचित करना)

Suggest, Insinuate, Hint, Intimate, Indicate, Convey, Allude, Infer, Connote, Signify

Clarify, Specify, Express, State, Declare, Announce, Proclaim, Reveal

His silence seemed to imply agreement with the decision.



A dishonest or unprincipled person; a scoundrel.


Scoundrel, Rascal, Knave, Villain, Crook, Miscreant, Charlatan, Deceiver, Cheat, Trickster

Hero, Saint, Philanthropist, Honest person

The rogue tricked people into investing in a fraudulent scheme.



Lack of ability, skill, or effectiveness in performing tasks; incompetence.


Ineptitude, Inefficiency, Incapability, Incapacity, Unfitness, Clumsiness, Impracticality, Ineffectiveness, Helplessness, Inability

Competence, Proficiency, Ability, Skill, Expertise, Capability, Aptitude, Efficiency, Mastery

The manager's incompetence led to a series of mistakes and financial losses.



Not staying the same or not behaving in a predictable way; lacking consistency.


Unpredictable, Unstable, Variable, Unsteady, Changeable, Incoherent, Fluctuating, Irregular, Contradictory, Fickle

Consistent, Stable, Reliable, Predictable, Uniform, Steady, Constant, Coherent, Persistent, Unchanging

The athlete's inconsistent performance raised doubts about his dedication to training.



Acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment; wisdom.


Wisdom, Insight, Intelligence, Shrewdness, Prudence, Discernment, Judiciousness, Cleverness, Acumen, Perception

Folly, Stupidity, Ignorance, Foolishness, Imprudence, Irrationality, Gullibility, Injudiciousness, Ineptitude, Inability

The old sage was admired for his sagacity and ability to offer wise counsel.


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