The Hindu Vocabulary 9 November 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 9 November 2024 is from the Editorial titled “All or any: On resources and Supreme Court verdict”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A judgment or decision, especially by a jury or judge in a legal case.


Judgment, Decision, Ruling, Conclusion, Finding, Determination, Opinion, Outcome, Decree, Pronouncement

Uncertainty, Doubt, Indecision, Disagreement, Confusion, Reversal, Rejection, Disapproval, Invalidation, Refusal

The jury reached a verdict of guilty in the case.



The action or power of focusing one's mental effort or energy on something.


Focus, Attention, Dedication, Mindfulness, Devotion, Alertness, Intentness, Application, Absorption, Comprehension

Distractibility, Distraction, Inattention, Confusion, Disorganization, Scatterbrained, Diffusion, Disarray, Dispersal, Incoherence

The student showed great concentration while solving the math problems.



To help or contribute to the achievement of a goal or purpose.

(सहायक होना)

Assist, Aid, Support, Facilitate, Contribute, Promote, Help, Benefit, Further, Encourage

Oppose, Hinder, Obstruct, Resist, Contradict, Challenge, Deter, Prevent, Counter, Discourage

His actions served to subserve the goals of the organization.



A duty or commitment that requires someone to act in a certain way.


Duty, Responsibility, Commitment, Requirement, Bond, Promise, Liability, Burden, Debt, Task

Freedom, Option, Choice, Independence, Discretion, Liberty, Voluntariness, Exemption, Release, Discharge

He had an obligation to fulfill the promises made to his team.



Harm or damage that is caused by something.


Harm, Damage, Loss, Injury, Disadvantage, Setback, Diminishment, Cost, Impairment, Deprivation

Benefit, Advantage, Gain, Profit, Help, Welfare, Blessing, Aid, Support, Good

Smoking is a serious detriment to your health.



The scope, extent, or range of something.


Scope, Range, Extent, Reach, Horizon, Domain, Field, Area, Realm, Sphere

Limitation, Bound, Boundary, Restriction, End, Edge, Border, Confinement, Margin, Cutoff

The company's ambit extends to several international markets.



Worthy of attention or notice due to being important or outstanding.


Remarkable, Distinguished, Important, Outstanding, Significant, Prominent, Famous, Celebrated, Exceptional, Memorable

Unremarkable, Ordinary, Unimportant, Insignificant, Forgettable, Negligible, Trivial, Common, Ignorable, Average

The scientist made a notable discovery in the field of genetics.



An official or authoritative instruction or order.


Instruction, Order, Command, Guideline, Mandate, Recommendation, Regulation, Decree, Advice, Rule

Suggestion, Opinion, Request, Query, Question, Indifference, Freedom, Discretion, Option, Choice

The manager gave clear directives on how to complete the project.



The action of following or striving for something.


Chase, Search, Quest, Hunt, Pursuance, Endeavor, Effort, Objective, Aim, Mission

Avoidance, Disinterest, Retreat, Neglect, Abandonment, Inactivity, Lethargy, Rest, Surrender, Defeat

His pursuit of excellence in his career paid off over the years.



The act of acquiring or gaining something, especially in business or learning.


Purchase, Gain, Attainment, Procurement, Possession, Collection, Seizure, Accumulation, Addition, Acquisition

Loss, Forfeiture, Surrender, Abandonment, Deficiency, Deprivation, Reduction, Exclusion, Dispossession, Diminishment

The company's latest acquisition of a tech firm is a strategic move.



The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.


Knowledge, Insight, Prudence, Understanding, Sense, Judgment, Enlightenment, Sagacity, Experience, Discretion

Foolishness, Ignorance, Stupidity, Naivety, Insensitivity, Inexperience, Rashness, Carelessness, Imprudence, Injudiciousness

With age comes wisdom, and his advice was invaluable.



The state of being useful or beneficial; a service or function.


Usefulness, Functionality, Service, Benefit, Value, Helpfulness, Advantage, Convenience, Practicality, Application

Uselessness, Futility, Pointlessness, Inefficiency, Impracticality, Unproductiveness, Incompetence, Worthlessness, Disadvantage, Harm

The new software has great utility for managing financial records.

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