The Hindu Vocabulary 12 December 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 12 December 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Bad precedent: On the expulsion of Trinamool Congress Member of Parliament Mahua Moitra".


Part of Speech/Idiom







An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide for similar circumstances in the future.


Example, Model, Standard, Preceding, Antecedent, Prototype, Guideline, Benchmark, Exemplar, Criterion

Anomaly, Aberration, Exception, Departure, Unprecedented, Novelty, Irregularity, Deviation, Nonconformity

The court considered the similar case as a precedent for the current trial.



The action of forcing someone to leave a place, organization, or institution.


Ejection, Eviction, Dismissal, Ousting, Removal, Banishment, Exclusion, Deportation, Exile, Exclusion

Admission, Inclusion, Welcome, Acceptance, Retention, Allowance, Permission, Reception

The student faced expulsion for violating the school's code of conduct.



Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening.


Foreboding, Menacing, Threatening, Portentous, Fateful, Inauspicious, Sinister, Dire, Dark, Unpropitious

Auspicious, Favorable, Promising, Propitious, Hopeful, Positive, Encouraging, Bright, Optimistic, Fortuitous

The dark clouds gathering on the horizon seemed ominous before the storm.



A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.


Advantage, Benefit, Entitlement, Exemption, Right, Immunity, Perk, Favor, Concession, Liberty

Disadvantage, Disfavor, Handicap, Injustice, Oppression, Penalty, Restriction, Burden, Inequality, Discomfort

Education is a privilege that not everyone in the world has access to.



Expressed or performed with emphasis; forceful and clear in expression or action.


Forceful, Intense, Strong, Vigorous, Powerful, Assertive, Energetic, Dynamic, Striking, Resounding

Weak, Mild, Subdued, Gentle, Unconvincing, Soft, Indistinct, Feeble, Lax, Quiet

The speaker made an emphatic statement to emphasize the importance of the issue.



Not having any serious purpose or value; carefree and not serious.


Trivial, Silly, Light, Superficial, Inane, Flippant, Petty, Insignificant, Playful, Empty

Serious, Important, Meaningful, Substantial, Grave, Weighty, Significant, Sensible, Thoughtful, Purposeful

Making frivolous comments during a serious meeting is inappropriate.



The development of events outside a person's control, regarded as predetermined by a supernatural power.


Destiny, Fortune, Providence, Karma, Doom, Lot, Serendipity, Predestination, Circumstances, Predetermination

Free will, Choice, Control, Agency, Volition, Decision, Liberty, Autonomy, Self-determination, Independence

Some believe in fate, while others think we shape our own destinies.



To move or act quickly; to rush or hasten.


Rush, Hasten, Speed, Haste, Race, Sprint, Dash, Accelerate, Quick, Urgent

Delay, Linger, Slow down, Procrastinate, Dawdle, Hesitate, Tarry, Lag, Loiter, Stall

We need to hurry if we want to catch the train.



To bury or cover up; to hide or conceal.

(दफ़न करना)

Bury, Conceal, Hide, Cover, Camouflage, Screen, Veil, Mask, Shroud, Suppress

Uncover, Reveal, Expose, Unveil, Disclose, Unmask, Unearth, Manifest, Display, Unwrap

The detective decided to burry the evidence to protect the witness.



To expose to danger or harm; to put at risk.

(खतरे में डालना)

Threaten, Jeopardize, Imperil, Hazard, Risk, Peril, Menace, Compromise, Insecure, Enduce

Protect, Safeguard, Shield, Secure, Defend, Preserve, Guard, Shelter, Ensure, Insulate

Reckless driving can endanger the lives of pedestrians.



A large number; many.


Many, Several, Abundant, Countless, Numerous, Multiple, Plentiful, Copious, Innumerable, Multitudinous

Few, Scarce, Limited, Sparse, Meager, Scant, Handful, Insufficient, Rare, Infrequent

The library has numerous books on various topics.


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