The Hindu Vocabulary 26 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 26 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Building blocks: On the 16th BRICS Summit in Kazan”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A person who receives or entertains guests.


Entertainer, Master of ceremonies, Landlord, Organizer, Welcomer, Compere, Facilitator, Announcer, Emcee, Presenter

Guest, Visitor, Outsider, Stranger, Foreigner, Intruder, Alien, Recipient, Addressee, Receiver

She was a gracious host to all her guests at the event.




Efforts to connect or provide services to a wider audience.

(जन संपर्क)

Expansion, Extension, Access, Communication, Interaction, Engagement, Connection, Community service, Reach, Public relations

Withdraw, Retreat, Ignore, Exclude, Isolation, Inwardness, Contraction, Containment, Indifference, Disregard

The organization launched an outreach program to help the underserved community.



To drive away or eliminate something, such as doubts or fears.

(दूर करना)

Eliminate, Disperse, Scatter, Clear, Dismiss, Banish, Remove, Disperse, Dissipate, Resolve

Gather, Accumulate, Attract, Collect, Assemble, Maintain, Keep, Retain, Welcome, Hoard

The teacher's explanation helped to dispel the students' confusion.



To set apart from others or separate.

(अलग करना)

Separate, Detach, Segregate, Quarantine, Insulate, Seclude, Divide, Alienate, Cut off, Exclude

Connect, Unite, Join, Integrate, Combine, Associate, Blend, Merge, Link, Include

They had to isolate the patient to prevent the spread of the infection.




Purpose or determination to do something.


Purpose, Aim, Objective, Goal, Resolution, Plan, Target, Determination, Resolve, Ambition

Unintended, Aimless, Casual, Distracted, Unfocused, Disinterest, Detachment, Inattentive, Apathetic, Indifferent

Her intent was clear from the beginning; she wanted to succeed.



To search or look for something.


Search, Look for, Pursue, Strive, Explore, Inquire, Hunt, Probe, Investigate, Attempt

Ignore, Neglect, Overlook, Dismiss, Abandon, Forget, Disregard, Reject, Shun, Evade

They traveled to seek new opportunities.




To be victorious or widespread; to succeed.

(हावी होना)

Triumph, Succeed, Win, Overcome, Dominate, Rule, Reign, Persist, Conquer, Survive

Fail, Lose, Surrender, Fall, Yield, Retreat, Collapse, Submit, Be defeated, Succumb

Justice will prevail in the end.



To imagine or foresee something in the future.

(कल्पना करना)

Imagine, Visualize, Conceive, Foresee, Anticipate, Contemplate, Picture, Consider, Project, Plan

Ignore, Disregard, Neglect, Overlook, Doubt, Mistrust, Disbelieve, Miss, Reject, Shun

He envisaged a world where peace and harmony prevailed.



To reduce or calm (such as fears or concerns).

(शांत करना)

Calm, Ease, Soothe, Relieve, Pacify, Alleviate, Mitigate, Reduce, Lessen, Quiet

Aggravate, Intensify, Worsen, Provoke, Exacerbate, Stir, Increase, Heighten, Escalate, Amplify

The doctor's reassurance helped to allay the patient's anxiety.



To twist or distort.

(तिरछा करना)

Distort, Twist, Misrepresent, Slant, Angle, Tilt, Warp, Bend, Deviate, Twist

Straighten, Align, Correct, Balance, Equalize, Order, Stabilize, Adjust, Rectify, Right

The survey results were skewed by biased questions.



To ridicule or make fun of someone or something.

(उपहास करना)

Ridicule, Tease, Taunt, Scoff, Deride, Mimic, Satirize, Sneer, Laugh at, Jeer

Praise, Admire, Respect, Support, Honor, Compliment, Commend, Encourage, Applaud, Uplift

They mocked his idea, but he proved them wrong.



Complete in every aspect or fully attended.


Complete, Full, Entire, Absolute, Comprehensive, Whole, Total, Unconditional, Perfect, General

Partial, Incomplete, Limited, Restricted, Conditional, Deficient, Insufficient, Fragmented, Divided, Restricted

A plenary meeting was held to discuss the new policies.

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