The Hindu Vocabulary 21 December 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 21 December 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Incoming call: On the introduction of the Telecommunications Bill, 2023".


Part of Speech/Idiom







To combine or unite into a single whole; to strengthen or make more solid.

(समेकित करना)

Unify, Integrate, Merge, Strengthen, Solidify, Centralize, Amalgamate, Combine, Fortify, Cohere

Divide, Separate, Disperse, Scatter, Fragment, Weaken, Dismantle, Disintegrate, Break, Dissolve

The company aims to consolidate its various departments for better efficiency.



In its original condition; undamaged, unimpaired, or unaltered.

(सही स्थिति में)

Unharmed, Unspoiled, Unblemished, Unaltered, Undamaged, Untouched, Perfect, Whole, Sound, Unscathed

Damaged, Broken, Altered, Spoiled, Impaired, Injured, Defective, Fragmented, Shattered, Ruined

The ancient artifact was discovered intact, preserving its historical significance.



To allow or give authorization; an official document granting permission.

(अनुमति देना)

Allow, Authorize, Approve, License, Sanction, Consent, Grant, Enable, Endorse, Admit

Forbid, Prohibit, Ban, Disallow, Reject, Deny, Refuse, Veto, Bar, Exclude

The security guard will permit entry only to those with valid identification.



 A disagreement or argument; a debate or controversy.


Argument, Controversy, Disagreement, Debate, Quarrel, Strife, Discord, Clash, Dissension, Altercation

Agreement, Harmony, Accord, Concurrence, Consensus, Understanding, Resolution, Settlement, Truce, Reconciliation

The neighbors decided to resolve their property dispute through mediation.



A firm decision to do or not to do something; a formal expression of opinion or intention.


Decision, Determination, Resolve, Commitment, Dedication, Pledge, Promise, Declaration, Intention, Purpose

Indecision, Hesitation, Wavering, Uncertainty, Ambiguity, Weakness, Vacillation, Doubt, Irresolution, Unsettledness

The team made a resolution to achieve their goals despite the challenges.



To promote or praise energetically; to solicit or publicize aggressively.

(प्रचार-प्रसार करना)

Promote, Advertise, Publicize, Praise, Advocate, Flaunt, Hype, Boost, Market, Endorse

Criticize, Denounce, Condemn, Disparage, Depreciate, Undermine, Oppose, Resist, Dissuade, Discourage

The company hired influencers to tout their new product on social media.



A feeling of reassurance or relaxation; assistance given to those in need.


Comfort, Alleviation, Ease, Support, Aid, Assistance, Succor, Relaxation, Reprieve, Respite

Distress, Hardship, Affliction, Discomfort, Agony, Torment, Suffering, Stress, Burden, Trouble

The news of his safe return brought relief to the worried family.



The quality of being clear, transparent, or easily understood.


Clearness, Transparency, Lucidity, Precision, Distinctness, Sharpness, Unambiguity, Perspicuity, Comprehensibility, Plainness

Obscurity, Confusion, Ambiguity, Vagueness, Murkiness, Uncertainty, Opacity, Incomprehensibility, Confoundment, Cloudiness

The teacher emphasized the importance of clarity in writing to avoid misunderstandings.



To make a process or system more efficient and effective by removing unnecessary elements.

(सुगम बनाना)

Simplify, Rationalize, Refine, Improve, Optimize, Organize, Enhance, Expedite, Facilitate, Upgrade

Complicate, Hinder, Obstruct, Delay, Compromise, Impede, Constrain, Entangle, Confuse, Procrastinate

The company decided to streamline its production process to reduce costs and improve productivity.



To support or actively encourage the development, growth, or popularity of something.

(प्रोत्साहित करना)

Encourage, Support, Boost, Foster, Advance, Publicize, Advocate, Stimulate, Propel, Uphold

Hinder, Deter, Discourage, Suppress, Inhibit, Undermine, Hamper, Restrain, Obstruct, Dissuade

The company decided to promote its new product through a nationwide advertising campaign.



The state of being stable; the quality or attribute of being firm, balanced, and unchanging.


Steadiness, Firmness, Durability, Constancy, Solidity, Security, Reliability, Consistency, Balance, Robustness

Instability, Unsteadiness, Insecurity, Volatility, Fluctuation, Vulnerability, Uncertainty, Fragility, Fickleness, Shakiness

A diversified investment portfolio can provide financial stability in uncertain markets.


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