The Hindu Vocabulary 24 March 2025


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 24 March 2025 is from the Editorial titled “Navigating differences: On India-New Zealand ties”.


Part of speech







To find a way or direction to move through or deal with something

(मार्गदर्शन करना)

Steer, Direct, Guide, Maneuver, Traverse, Pilot, Travel, Handle, Operate, Chart

Misguide, Wander, Stumble, Struggle, Disorient, Confuse, Drift, Stray, Flounder, Hesitate

He managed to navigate through the tough questions in the interview.



The action of working together with someone to produce or create something


Cooperation, Partnership, Teamwork, Alliance, Union, Association, Coordination, Joint effort, Synergy, Affiliation

Separation, Isolation, Disagreement, Division, Conflict, Disunity, Rivalry, Opposition, Independence, Competition

The project was completed successfully due to close collaboration between the teams.



Careful thought, typically over a period of time


Thought, Attention, Reflection, Concern, Deliberation, Regard, Evaluation, Study, Analysis, Mindfulness

Neglect, Disregard, Indifference, Ignorance, Disrespect, Insensitivity, Inattention, Rejection, Omission, Carelessness

Your feelings will be taken into consideration.



The practice of shielding a country's domestic industries from foreign competition by taxing imports.


Trade barrier, Economic nationalism, Tariff policy, Import restriction, Quota system, Economic isolation, Domestic protection, Safeguarding, National interest, Regulation

Free trade, Globalization, Liberalization, Deregulation, Open market, Competition, Integration, Market economy, Outsourcing, Capitalism

Protectionism may harm international trade relationships.



Able to recover quickly from difficulties

(कठिनाइयों से उबरने वाला)

Strong, Tough, Flexible, Hardy, Adaptable, Elastic, Buoyant, Durable, Robust, Recoverable

Fragile, Weak, Vulnerable, Rigid, Inflexible, Brittle, Stiff, Sensitive

Children are often more resilient than adults.



A great difference.


Inequality, Gap, Difference, Imbalance, Variation, Distinction, Dissimilarity, Inconsistency, Contrast

Equality, Similarity, Uniformity, Sameness, Parity, Balance, Agreement, Correspondence, Consistency, Fairness

The economic disparity between regions is growing.



Not large in size or amount; humble


Humble, Simple, Moderate, Meek, Reserved, Plain, Courteous, Shy, Polite, Unpretentious

Arrogant, Boastful, Proud, Extravagant, Lavish, Flashy, Conceited, Grand, Showy, Pretentious

He lives in a modest home in the countryside.



Planned carefully to achieve a specific goal.


Tactical, Planned, Calculated, Deliberate, Purposeful, Intentional, Coordinated, Clever

Aimless, Unplanned, Random, Spontaneous, Haphazard, Thoughtless, Uncoordinated, Clumsy, Disorganized

She played a strategic role in the company’s expansion.



Conforming to the law or rules; justified.


Legal, Lawful, Valid, Justified, Proper, Authentic, Fair, Genuine, Permitted, Authorized

Illegal, Unlawful, Illegitimate, Unjust, Dishonest, Unethical, Invalid, Banned, Fake, Unauthorized

He has a legitimate reason for his absence.



To appear more important or significant than.

(महत्व को कम करना)

Eclipse, Diminish, Outshine, Dwarf, Dominate, Obscure, Overpower, Surpass

Highlight, Emphasize, Illuminate, Glorify, Praise, Celebrate, Show off, Draw attention, Spotlight, Accentuate

Her achievement was overshadowed by the controversy.



Skilled in dealing with sensitive matters or people.


Tactful, Polite, Discreet, Political, Courteous, Negotiable, Clever, Strategic, Respectful, Subtle

Tactless, Rude, Harsh, Insensitive, Inconsiderate, Blunt, Abrasive, Uncivil, Unkind, Undiplomatic

She handled the issue in a very diplomatic manner.



The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause.


Dedication, Devotion, Loyalty, Obligation, Promise, Pledge, Faithfulness, Engagement, Assurance, Responsibility

Indifference, Neglect, Disloyalty, Irresponsibility, Betrayal, Detachment, Disinterest, Inconsistency, Hesitation

His commitment to the team is admirable.

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