The Hindu Vocabulary 7 August 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 7 August 2024 is from the Editorial titled “On the edge: On West Asia and the danger of a wider war”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







The edge or verge of something, typically a point at which something unwelcome is about to happen


Edge, Verge, Threshold, Border, Rim, Margin, Boundary, Periphery, Cusp, Fringe

Middle, Center, Interior, Core, Heart, Interior, Depth, Midst, Inside, Centerline

The country was on the brink of war.



The act of killing someone, especially a prominent person, for political or ideological reasons

(षड्यंत्र द्वारा हत्या)

Murder, Killing, Slaying, Execution, Homicide, Butchery, Liquidation, Elimination, Extermination, Termination

Protection, Preservation, Guarding, Defense, Safekeeping, Conservation, Security, Survival, Continuation, Immunity

The assassination of the president shocked the nation.



Stretched tight or characterized by a state of mental or emotional strain.


Anxious, Nervous, Strained, Stressful, Edgy, Stressed, Taut, High-strung, Uptight, Agitated

Relaxed, Calm, Peaceful, Tranquil, Easygoing, Loose, Unstressed, Casual, Comfortable, Untroubled

The atmosphere in the room was tense before the exam results were announced.



The action of returning a military attack; counterattack.


Revenge, Vengeance, Reprisal, Payback, Counterattack, Retribution, Response, Counterstrike, Comeback, Requital

Forgiveness, Pardon, Clemency, Mercy, Reconciliation, Peace, Tolerance, Leniency, Forbearance, Amity

The country launched a retaliation against the aggressors.



Developed to a high degree of complexity.


Advanced, Complex, Refined, Cultivated, Elegant, Worldly, Urbane, Polished, Intricate, Discerning

Unsophisticated, Simple, Naive, Basic, Crude, Unrefined, Primitive, Uncomplicated, Innocent, Ignorant

The computer system is very sophisticated and can handle complex tasks.



The state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons


Banishment, Expulsion, Deportation, Ouster, Displacement, Diaspora, Expatriation, Ostracism, Outcast, Relegation

Return, Homecoming, Inclusion, Citizenship, Acceptance, Repatriation, Reinstatement, Restoration, Reception, Integration

The dissident was sent into exile for his political beliefs.



Conspicuously or obviously offensive.


Blatant, Glaring, Outrageous, Egregious, Conspicuous, Obvious, Brazen, Scandalous, Atrocious, Shocking

Subtle, Hidden, Concealed, Minor, Trivial, Unnoticeable, Discreet, Inconspicuous, Minor, Modest

The referee ignored the flagrant foul committed by the player.



Causing great damage.


Catastrophic, Calamitous, Devastating, Ruinous, Tragic, Dire, Cataclysmic, Dreadful, Lethal, Fatal

Beneficial, Fortunate, Lucky, Favorable, Positive, Constructive, Helpful, Advantageous, Profitable, Successful

The hurricane had a disastrous impact on the coastal town.



Causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.


Incendiary, Inflammatory, Agitating, Stimulating, Provoking, Arousing, Challenging, Exciting, Controversial, Stirring

Soothing, Calming, Inoffensive, Noninflammatory, Modest, Unprovocative, Dull, Boring, Bland, Unexciting

His provocative comments sparked a heated debate.



To pull someone or something along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty.


Pull, Haul, Tug, Draw, Tow, Trail, Yank, Lug, Heave, Wrench

Push, Propel, Drive, Repel, Thrust, Shove, Press, Advance, Urge, Move forward

He had to drag the heavy suitcase up the stairs.

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