The Hindu Vocabulary 24 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 24 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Over the borderline: On the India-China deal”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







Involving two sides, typically referring to agreements or negotiations between two parties.


Two-sided, Reciprocal, JointaaA, Mutual, Combined, Dual, Collective, Symmetrical, Paired, Interactive

Unilateral, Multilateral, Independent, Singular, Individual, One-sided, Isolated, Separate, Autonomous, Asymmetric

The countries signed a bilateral agreement to improve trade relations.



To go beyond the bounds or limits, especially in violation of a rule or law.

(उल्लंघन करना)

Violate, Infringe, Breach, Disobey, Offend, Exceed, Trespass, Contravene, Overstep, Defy

Obey, Comply, Follow, Respect, Adhere, Conform, Abide, Observe, Uphold, Submit

He was punished because he transgressed the school rules.



To act against or in opposition to something.


Oppose, Defy, Resist, Neutralize, Offset, Refute, Combat, Respond, Confront, Repel

Support, Aid, Assist, Agree, Comply, Cooperate, Promote, Affirm, Encourage, Endorse

The company developed a new strategy to counter the competition.



To stop or bring to a stop.


Stop, Cease, Pause, End, Terminate, Freeze, Arrest, Break, Suspend, Interrupt

Start, Begin, Proceed, Continue, Go, Move, Advance, Progress, Resume, Push

The government ordered a halt to construction due to environmental concerns.



The process of withdrawing or separating from an activity or situation.


Withdrawal, Detachment, Separation, Disconnection, Liberation, Release, Uncoupling, Severance, Disbanding, Isolation

Engagement, Involvement, Participation, Connection, Commitment, Attachment, Bonding, Enlistment, Association, Interaction

The army's disengagement from the area was completed successfully.




The upper edge or border of a container; to be full to the point of overflowing.


Edge, Rim, Verge, Border, Lip, Overflow, Spill, Top, Fullness, Crest

Empty, Hollow, Devoid, Bare, Void, Shallow, Drain, Lessen, Diminish, Reduce

The glass was filled to the brim with water.




A group of soldiers; a group of people or animals.


Soldiers, Unit, Squad, Company, Contingent, Brigade, Force, Group, Battalion, Platoon

Individual, Solitude, Loneliness, Isolation, Singleton, Solitary, One, Singular, Person, Unit

The troop marched across the field during the parade.




The act of moving around a place or area for security or surveillance.


Watch, Guard, Survey, Monitor, Scout, Inspect, Secure, Check, Search, Reconnoiter

Neglect, Ignore, Abandon, Overlook, Disregard, Avoid, Miss, Evade, Inattention, Forsake

The police patrol the streets every night for safety.




To withdraw from a position or situation, especially in a military context.

(पीछे हटना)

Withdraw, Recede, Retire, Recoil, Pull back, Flee, Back off, Exit, Regress, Abandon

Advance, Attack, Progress, Move forward, Engage, Charge, Press, Push, March, Pursue

The army decided to retreat after the enemy's attack intensified.



To cause or give rise to a situation or condition.

(उत्पन्न करना)

Generate, Create, Produce, Incite, Spark, Provoke, Instigate, Trigger, Induce, Foster

Prevent, Halt, Suppress, Destroy, Extinguish, End, Negate, Avoid, Inhibit, Nullify

The policies of the government engendered widespread public support.



The quality or state of being calm and peaceful.


Peace, Calmness, Serenity, Quiet, Stillness, Harmony, Relaxation, Restfulness, Equanimity, Repose

Chaos, Turmoil, Agitation, Disturbance, Noise, Disruption, Disorder, Commotion, Panic, Frenzy

She enjoys the tranquillity of the countryside during her weekends.

Modus vivendi


An arrangement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully; a way of living.

(सहअस्तित्व की व्यवस्था)

Compromise, Agreement, Truce, Understanding, Coexistence, Accord, Settlement, Concord, Resolution, Peace

Conflict, Disagreement, Dissension, War, Dispute, Chaos, Rupture, Clash, Misunderstanding, Division

The two rival groups found a modus vivendi to avoid further conflicts.

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