The Hindu Vocabulary 2 January 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 2 January 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Parade of unity: On the need for more objectivity in the selection of tableaux for the Republic Day parade".


Part of Speech/Idiom







A statement, declaration, or assertion made without concrete proof; a formal accusation.


Accusation, Assertion, Charge, Claim, Imputation, Indictment, Insinuation, Affirmation, Declaration, Statement

Denial, Refutation, Disavowal, Repudiation, Disclaimer, Rejection, Negation, Contradiction, Disapproval, Discrediting

The politician vehemently denied the allegations of corruption against him.



To display or show; a public display or demonstration.


Display, Present, Showcase, Demonstrate, Feature, Manifest, Show, Expose, Flaunt, Parade

Conceal, Hide, Withhold, Suppress, Cover, Obfuscate, Veil, Bury, Shroud, Camouflage

Artists from around the world will exhibit their work at the gallery.



Following one after another in uninterrupted sequence; successive.


Successive, Uninterrupted, Sequential, Continuous, Following, Running, Serial, Subsequent, Progressive

Nonconsecutive, Disjointed, Disconnected, Intermittent, Sporadic, Separate, Isolated, Random, Discontinuous, Haphazard

The team won five consecutive championships.



A formal agreement or union between two or more parties for mutual benefit, typically for political or military purposes.


Partnership, Coalition, Union, Confederation, Collaboration, Pact, Treaty, Compact, Accord, Association

Hostility, Enmity, Opposition, Rivalry, Discord, Conflict, Disagreement, Strife, Antagonism, Alienation

The alliance between the two nations strengthened their diplomatic ties.



Offensive to the senses, especially through bad odor; violating the rules in a sport or game.


Offensive, Malodorous, Repugnant, Putrid, Noxious, Rank, Stinky, Unpleasant, Corrupt, Violation

Pleasant, Fresh, Fragrant, Clean, Aromatic, Inoffensive, Decent, Wholesome, Unblemished, Virtuous

The foul smell emanating from the garbage bin was unbearable.



The action or practice of following a custom, rule, law, or ritual; the act of watching or noticing.


Compliance, Adherence, Practice, Ceremony, Ritual, Custom, Tradition, Conformity, Attention

Neglect, Violation, Disregard, Noncompliance, Nonobservance, Inattention, Disregard, Ignorance, Carelessness, Irreverence

The annual observance of the religious festival brought the community together.



The state of having different forms, elements, or qualities; variety; the condition of having people who are different races or who have different cultures.


Variety, Assortment, Heterogeneity, Multiformity, Multiplicity, Range, Array, Mixture, Divergence, Disparity

Uniformity, Homogeneity, Sameness, Conformity, Monotony, Similitude, Consistency, Equality, Identicalness, Standardization

The diversity of flora and fauna in the rainforest is astonishing.



Of great importance or significance, especially in its bearing on the future.


Significant, Monumental, Historic, Pivotal, Crucial, Important, Major, Weighty, Memorable, Substantial

Insignificant, Trivial, Unimportant, Minor, Negligible, Ordinary, Common, Inconsequential, Routine

The discovery of a cure for the disease was a momentous achievement in medical history.



Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; to explain in greater detail.


Intricate, Detailed, Complex, Complicated, Ornate, Involved, Comprehensive, Thorough, Explanatory, Expanded

Simple, Plain, Basic, Straightforward, Uncomplicated, Minimal, Undeveloped, Concise, Brief, Abridged

The architect presented an elaborate plan for the new building, including intricate design details.



The effect or influence of one thing on another; a forceful contact; a powerful impression.


Effect, Influence, Consequence, Impression, Force, Collision, Clout, Significance, Result, Outcome

Irrelevance, Insignificance, Triviality, Negligibility, Unimportance, Ineffectiveness, Indifference, Inconsequence, Impotence, Inefficacy

The new policy had a significant impact on improving employee satisfaction.



To hold or treat as dear; to care for tenderly; to nurture with affection.

(प्रियतम रखना)

Treasure, Adore, Value, Esteem, Appreciate, Prize, Revere, Embrace, Love

Disregard, Neglect, Ignore, Despise, Abandon, Forsake, Disdain, Overlook, Reject, Depreciate

She cherished the old photograph of her grandparents.



Extreme pain, distress, or suffering; intense physical or mental suffering.


Agony, Torment, Grief, Woe, Suffering, Misery, Distress, Pain, Affliction, Heartache

Joy, Contentment, Happiness, Delight, Pleasure, Bliss, Elation, Comfort, Relief, Satisfaction

The mother's heart was filled with anguish when her child went missing.


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