The Hindu Vocabulary 24 December 2024
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 24 December 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Pie in the sky: On the idea of simultaneous elections”.
Word/Phrase |
Part of speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Feasibility |
Noun |
The practicality or possibility of something being achieved. (व्यवहार्यता) |
Practicality, Possibility, Workability, Viability, Realizability, Achievability, Suitability, Adaptability, Usability, Potential |
Impracticality, Impossibility, Infeasibility, Unlikelihood, Ineffectiveness, Difficulty, Inadvisability, Unsuitability, Incompatibility, Unreasonableness |
The feasibility of the project was discussed in the meeting. |
Amendment |
Noun |
A change or addition to a legal or statutory document. (संशोधन) |
Revision, Correction, Modification, Adjustment, Improvement, Alteration, Update, Rectification, Refinement, Reformation |
Repeal, Abrogation, Neglect, Damage, Harm, Rejection, Stagnation, Regression, Refusal, Abandonment |
The constitution was updated with a new amendment.
Facilitate |
Verb |
To make an action or process easier. (सुगम बनाना) |
Assist, Simplify, Ease, Enable, Support, Help, Expedite, Aid, Promote, Accelerate |
Hinder, Impede, Obstruct, Hamper, Block, Complicate, Delay, Prevent, Deter, Restrict |
Technology can facilitate better communication. |
Conduct |
Noun |
The manner in which a person behaves; to organize and carry out a task. (आचरण) |
Behavior, Manage, Organize, Operate, Direct, Supervise, Execute, Perform, Govern, Handle |
Misconduct, Mismanagement, Misbehave, Disorganize, Chaos, Disorder, Disrupt, Neglect, Deviate, Omit |
The officer’s conduct during the ceremony was commendable. |
Ratify |
Verb |
To officially approve or confirm. (पुष्टि करना) |
Approve, Confirm, Endorse, Authorize, Sanction, Validate, Agree, Affirm, Accept, Legalize |
Reject, Deny, Repeal, Refuse, Veto, Disapprove, Cancel, Oppose, Annul, Void |
The parliament is set to ratify the new trade agreement. |
Curtail |
Verb |
To reduce in extent or quantity. (घटाना) |
Reduce, Limit, Restrict, Shorten, Diminish, Cut, Decrease, Constrain, Truncate, Trim |
Extend, Prolong, Expand, Lengthen, Increase, Enlarge, Amplify, Add, Protract, Continue |
The company decided to curtail its expenses to avoid losses. |
Dissolve |
Verb |
To officially end or terminate something; to mix with a liquid. (भंग करना) |
Terminate, End, Disband, Disperse, Abolish, Eliminate, Melt, Liquefy, Disintegrate, Resolve |
Form, Solidify, Establish, Coagulate, Strengthen, Unite, Build, Assemble, Persist, Develop |
The parliament was dissolved after the elections.
Synchronise |
Verb |
To occur at the same time or rate. (समकालिक करना) |
Align, Coordinate, Harmonize, Match, Integrate, Parallel, Adjust, Calibrate, Correspond, Simultaneity |
Desynchronize, Misalign, Disorganize, Scatter, Offset, Differ, Diverge, Vary, Separate, Disunite |
The dancers practiced hard to synchronize their movements.
Coincide |
Verb |
To occur at the same time or place. (मेल खाना) |
Align, Match, Concur, Synchronize, Agree, Overlap, Harmonize, Correspond, Parallel, Unite |
Differ, Conflict, Diverge, Disagree, Separate, Clash, Displace, Misalign, Contradict, Contrast |
Their vacations coincided, allowing them to travel together.
Stipulate |
Verb |
To demand or specify as a condition. (शर्त रखना) |
Specify, Require, Prescribe, Demand, Enforce, Condition, Impose, Detail, State, Set |
Allow, Neglect, Forget, Release, Exclude, Permit, Overlook, Relinquish, Waive, Ignore |
The contract stipulates that all payments must be made within 30 days. |
Federalism |
Noun |
A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent units. (संघवाद) |
Confederation, Unionism, Republicanism, Federation, Decentralization, Alliance, Coalition, Partnership, Democracy, Regionalism |
Unitarianism, Centralization, Monarchism, Despotism, Autocracy, Totalitarianism, Dictatorship, Imperialism, Absolutism, Authoritarianism |
The concept of federalism balances power between states and the central government. |
Subsume |
Verb |
To include or absorb something in a larger group. (सम्मिलित करना) |
Include, Incorporate, Absorb, Encompass, Assimilate, Integrate, Merge, Subordinate, Unite, Blend |
Exclude, Separate, Omit, Remove, Divide, Differentiate, Isolate, Detach, Distinguish, Alienate |
The smaller department was subsumed into the larger organization. |