The Hindu Vocabulary 11 December 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 11 December 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Places and worship: On the Supreme Court hearing”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







The principle of separating religion from government and promoting neutrality towards all religions.


Neutrality, Non-religiousness, Impartiality, Objectivity, Laicism, Religious Freedom, Pluralism, Tolerance, Inclusiveness, Rationalism

Theocracy, Sectarianism, Fundamentalism, Fanaticism, Religious Bias, Communalism, Dogmatism, Superstition, Intolerance, Religious Control

India is a nation that upholds secularism in its Constitution.



A formal request made to an authority, often with signatures from supporters.


Appeal, Request, Plea, Application, Proposal, Entreaty, Supplication, Submission, Memorandum, Representation


Command, Order, Demand, Decree, Refusal, Compulsion, Insistence, Requirement, Denial, Directive


The villagers submitted a petition for better roads.



The act of overstating something to make it seem more significant than it is.



Overstatement, Amplification, Embellishment, Hyperbole, Overemphasis, Overestimation, Aggrandizement, Magnification, Drama, Fabrication


Understatement, Minimization, Restraint, Truth, Accuracy, Moderation, Reality, Plainness, Humility, Simplicity


His claim about climbing Mount Everest was an exaggeration.



Related to a community or shared by a group; can also refer to tensions between religious or ethnic groups.


Collective, Shared, Group-based, Cooperative, Public, Joint, Mutual, Societal, Inclusive, Common

Individual, Private, Personal, Exclusive, Solitary, Independent, Self-centered, Isolated, Singular, Separate


The communal effort to clean the park was commendable.



Extremely harmful, hostile, or severe.


Poisonous, Toxic, Deadly, Noxious, Hostile, Malignant, Destructive, Lethal, Harmful, Vicious


Benign, Harmless, Mild, Gentle, Non-toxic, Friendly, Safe, Beneficial, Non-threatening, Weak


The virulent disease spread rapidly across the city.



The process of being freed from an obligation or rule.


Immunity, Waiver, Relief, Freedom, Privilege, Pardon, Dispensation, Exclusion,

Obligation, Duty, Responsibility, Liability, Requirement, Inclusion, Enforcement, Compulsion, Mandate, Commitment


The student was granted an exemption from the final exam due to illness.



Passive acceptance or agreement without protest.

(मौन स्वीकृति)

Compliance, Agreement, Consent, Acceptance, Submission, Concurrence, Conformity, Assent, Resignation, Approval


Protest, Disagreement, Dissent, Opposition, Rejection, Refusal, Denial, Objection, Resistance, Revolt

His acquiescence to the new rules surprised everyone.



The act of destroying or tearing down a structure.



Destruction, Ruin, Wreckage, Annihilation, Devastation, Dismantling, Razing, Collapse, Wrecking, Pulverization


Construction, Building, Creation, Assembly, Development, Restoration, Repair, Preservation, Renewal, Reinforcement

The demolition of the old building cleared space for a new park.



An act of attacking or plundering.


Pillage, Looting, Destruction, Ravaging, Plunder, Devastation, Damage, Ruin, Exploitation, Spoliation


Preservation, Protection, Conservation, Care, Guarding, Building, Security, Safekeeping, Shelter, Development

The depredation of the village left its residents homeless.

Non- retrogression


The principle of not moving backward or regressing in terms of rights or progress.


Progress, Advancement, Continuation, Improvement, Forwardness, Steadiness, Stability, Evolution, Growth, Development


Regression, Reversal, Decline, Backsliding, Deterioration, Retraction, Retreat, Downgrade, Stagnation, Degeneration


The policy ensured non-retrogression in labor rights.

Non- derogable


Refers to rights or laws that cannot be suspended or violated under any circumstance.


Absolute, Inviolable, Irrevocable, Unalterable, Essential, Immutable, Permanent, Binding, Sacred, Unassailable

Derogable, Violable, Revocable, Infringeable, Flexible, Conditional, Suspensible, Alterable, Negotiable, Limited


Freedom from torture is a non-derogable right under international law.



To leave, especially a place or journey.

(प्रस्थान करना)

Leave, Exit, Go, Withdraw, Abandon, Vacate, Move, Journey, Set out, Disappear


Arrive, Stay, Remain, Halt, Enter, Continue, Persist, Return, Rejoin, Resume

The train will depart from the station at 6 PM.

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