The Hindu Vocabulary 30 July 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 30 July 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Planning better: On the NITI Aayog”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







To move ahead or pass over without doing something

(छोड़ देना)

Omit, Pass, Miss, Leave out, Neglect, Overlook, Bypass, Avoid, Ignore, Abandon

Attend, Include, Engage, Address, Consider, Participate, Complete, Confront, Face, Observe

She decided to skip the meeting due to her busy schedule.



To become aware or conscious of something; to realize or understand.

(महसूस करना)

Discern, Recognize, Detect, Notice, Sense, Realize, Comprehend, Understand, Observe, Identify

Misunderstand, Ignore, Overlook, Miss, Neglect, Disregard, Misinterpret, Misconceive, Misread, Unsee

It is important to perceive the changes in the market to stay competitive.



A feeling of disappointment about someone or something previously respected or admired.


Disillusionment, Disappointment, Discontent, Cynicism, Dissatisfaction, Frustration, Alienation, Despondency, Disheartening, Letdown

Enthusiasm, Fascination, Delight, Enchantment, Satisfaction, Optimism, Admiration, Contentment, Faith, Trust

There was a sense of disenchantment among the voters with the current government.



A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.


Confederation, Federation, Unionism, Autonomy, Decentralization, Self-governance, Regionalism, Provincialism, Coalition, Association

Unitarism, Centralism, Dictatorship, Totalitarianism, Autocracy, Monarchy, Oligarchy, Despotism, Authoritarianism, Absolutism

Federalism allows different regions of the country to govern themselves according to their own needs and preferences.



Not planned or meant

(अनजाने में)

Accidental, Unplanned, Inadvertent, Unforeseen, Unanticipated, Unconsidered, Fortuitous, Uncalculated, Unmeant, Chance

Intend, Plan, Design, Aim, Purpose, Determine, Deliberate, Calculate, Expect, Foresee

The new law had several unintended consequences that policymakers had not foreseen.



To release from restraint or inhibition.

(मुक्त करना)

Free, Liberate, Release, Unchain, Unshackle, Emancipate, Loosen, Unlock, Unbind, Relieve

Restrain, Confine, Bind, Limit, Restrict, Impede, Hamper, Hinder, Enchain, Inhibit

The new regulations aim to unfetter small businesses from unnecessary red tape.



A person who criticizes someone or something, often unfairly.


Critic, Opponent, Naysayer, Fault-finder, Censurer, Decrier, Slanderer, Belittler, Adversary, Accuser

Supporter, Advocate, Proponent, Admirer, Ally, Fan, Backer, Booster, Friend, Defender

Despite his many detractors, he remained confident in his vision for the company.



Having or consisting in the power to make recommendations but not to take action enforcing them


Consultative, Suggestive, Recommending, Informative, Instructive, Counseling, Guiding, Deliberative, Consultational, Advisory

Mandatory, Obligatory, Compulsory, Binding, Enforced, Prescriptive, Commanding, Dictatorial, Authoritative, Coercive

The committee issued an advisory urging residents to evacuate before the storm hit.



The action or process of distributing something.


Distribution, Assignment, Allotment, Apportionment, Grant, Share, Dispensation, Disbursement, Division, Quota

Withholding, Retention, Hoarding, Collection, Gathering, Concentration, Accumulation, Reservation, Non-distribution, Retraction

The government has announced the allocation of funds for the new project.



To refuse to buy, use, or participate in something as a way of protesting.


Shun, Avoid, Reject, Spurn, Ostracize, Abstain, Refuse, Exclude, Ban, Prohibit

Patronize, Support, Endorse, Sponsor, Approve, Encourage, Uphold, Assist, Advocate, Promote

The workers decided to boycott the company’s products until their demands were met.

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