The Hindu Vocabulary 25 July 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 25 July 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Shuffling the deck: On the Union Budget 2024-25”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A feeling of deep anxiety or dread, typically an unfocused one about the human condition or the state of the world in general


Anxiety, Worry, Dread, Fear, Unease, Distress, Apprehension, Nervousness, Agitation, Concern

Calm, Peace, Serenity, Tranquility, Relaxation, Comfort, Assurance, Contentment, Confidence, Composure

The uncertainty about his future career caused him great angst.



To stir or disturb briskly; to make someone troubled or nervous

(उत्तेजित करना)

Stir, Disturb, Upset, Rile, Shake, Excite, Provoke, Irritate, Foment, Incite

Calm, Soothe, Pacify, Tranquilize, Quiet, Settle, Comfort, Ease, Reassure, Compose

The controversial speech agitated the crowd.



Able to be touched or felt; easily perceptible

(स्पर्श योग्य)

Tangible, Perceptible, Noticeable, Evident, Apparent, Detectable, Discernible, Observable, Clear, Obvious

Intangible, Imperceptible, Insensible, Invisible, Subtle, Hidden, Obscure, Concealed, Elusive, Insubstantial

The tension in the room was palpable.




To make an action or process easy or easier

(सुगम बनाना)

Ease, Assist, Aid, Promote, Expedite, Enable, Simplify, Accelerate, Help, Support

Hinder, Obstruct, Impede, Hamper, Block, Retard, Prevent, Delay, Thwart, Inhibit

The new software was designed to facilitate project management.



An item or issue intended to be a focus of attention

(केंद्रीय वस्तु)

Focal point, Highlight, Core, Main attraction, Central item, Heart, Focus, Nucleus, Pivot, Hub

Periphery, Margin, Border, Edge, Outskirt, Side, Fringe, Secondary, Auxiliary, Supplement

The sculpture was the centrepiece of the exhibition.



A warning or proviso of specific stipulations, conditions, or limitations


Warning, Caution, Admonition, Notice, Alert, Proviso, Condition, Stipulation, Clause, Qualification

Assurance, Certainty, Confidence, Guarantee, Encouragement, Promise, Security, Surety, Assurance, Confirmation

She agreed to the contract with the caveat that she could resign if her duties were changed.



The exertion of force by means of a lever; power or influence to achieve a desired result

(लाभ उठाना)

Influence, Power, Control, Advantage, Authority, Sway, Weight, Clout, Force, Domination

Weakness, Disadvantage, Powerlessness, Impotence, Helplessness, Ineffectiveness, Inability, Incapacity, Vulnerability, Inferiority

The company used its leverage to negotiate better terms.



The state of being first in importance


Preeminence, Supremacy, Dominance, Priority, Superiority, Lead, Foremost, Authority, Ascendancy, Chief

Inferiority, Subordination, Unimportance, Secondary, Lower rank, Lesser, Subsidiary, Insignificance, Mediocrity, Obscurity

The primacy of education in society cannot be overstated.



To hold someone closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection; to accept or support willingly and enthusiastically


Hug, Hold, Cuddle, Welcome, Accept, Adopt, Include, Enfold, Grasp, Clasp

Reject, Shun, Refuse, Exclude, Disregard, Avoid, Spurn, Repudiate, Push away, Renounce

She embraced the opportunity to learn a new language.



Outstandingly bad; shocking


Shocking, Appalling, Horrendous, Outrageous, Atrocious, Flagrant, Gross, Heinous, Blatant, Monstrous

Minor, Slight, Trivial, Inconsequential, Insignificant, Petite, Negligible, Subtle, Unnoticeable, Benign

The report found egregious errors in the financial statements.

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