The Hindu Vocabulary 18 March 2025


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 18 March 2025 is from the Editorial titled “Terror on the train: on Pakistan and its Balochistan province”.


Part of speech







To hold someone responsible for a fault or wrong.


Accuse, Fault, Condemn, Charge, Criticize, Reproach, Scold, Reprimand, Denounce, Censure

Praise, Exoneration, Approval, Justification, Vindication, Acquittal, Endorsement, Appreciation, Commendation, Forgiveness

He tried to blame his friend for the mistake, but the teacher knew the truth.



Moving or happening quickly.


Fast, Quick, Speedy, Rapid, Prompt, Brisk, Fleet, Accelerated, Nimble, Agile

Slow, Delayed, Sluggish, Lazy, Gradual, Idle, Unhurried, Leisurely, Lethargic, Tardy

The police took swift action against the criminals.



The quality of being easily harmed or affected.


Weakness, Susceptibility, Exposure, Sensitivity, Fragility, Risk, Defenselessness, Endangerment, Helplessness, Openness

Strength, Security, Protection, Immunity, Resistance, Stability, Invincibility, Safeguard, Power, Fortification

The old bridge showed signs of vulnerability during the heavy rain.



A person who supports the separation of a particular group from a larger entity.


Rebel, Dissident, Secessionist, Radical, Revolutionist, Partisan, Extremist, Militant, Insurgent, Nationalist

Unionist, Patriot, Loyalist, Integrator, Nationalist, Unifier, Collaborator, Federalist, Ally, Supporter

The government is working to suppress separatist movements in the region.



Lacking knowledge or understanding.


Ignorant, Unaware, Oblivious, Uninformed, Confused, Naive, Dumbfounded, Unmindful, Unconscious, Heedless

Aware, Knowledgeable, Informed, Wise, Intelligent, Insightful, Experienced, Mindful, Perceptive, Competent

She was clueless about the surprise her friends had planned.



To discourage or prevent someone from doing something.

(हतोत्साहित करना)

Prevent, Hinder, Obstruct, Discourage, Restrain, Curb, Halt, Impede, Inhibit, Thwart

Encourage, Inspire, Motivate, Assist, Promote, Support, Urge, Persuade, Facilitate, Aid

Strict laws help deter crime in society.



Something that blocks one's way or prevents progress.


Hurdle, Barrier, Hindrance, Blockade, Impediment, Obstruction, Challenge, Difficulty, Barrier, Setback

Aid, Assistance, Benefit, Help, Advantage, Boost, Clearance, Support, Opportunity, Facilitation

Lack of funds became an obstacle in completing the project.



The state of being steady and not changing.


Steadiness, Balance, Security, Firmness, Solidity, Strength, Durability, Equilibrium, Permanence, Consistency

Instability, Weakness, Insecurity, Fluctuation, Fragility, Shakiness, Volatility, Chaos, Disruption, Uncertainty

Political stability is essential for economic growth.



To steal goods, especially in a time of war or disorder.


Loot, Robbery, Pillage, Theft, Ransack, Seizure, Exploitation, Burglary, Destruction, Embezzlement

Give, Donate, Restore, Protect, Safeguard, Preserve, Return, Secure, Support, Contribute

The invading army plundered the village, taking everything valuable.



To strengthen or support something.

(मजबूत करना)

Strengthen, Support, Fortify, Boost, Secure, Back, Enhance, Improve, Bolster, Solidify

Weaken, Reduce, Diminish, Lessen, Undermine, Impair, Dilute, Damage, Erode, Destabilize

The walls were reinforced to withstand the earthquake.



A restraint or impediment to free action.


Restrain, Bind, Chain, Cuff, Confine, Handcuff, Fetter, Constrain, Enslave, Trap

Liberate, Release, Free, Unchain, Unbind, Loosen, Relieve, Unfasten, Unshackle, Empower

The prisoner was kept in shackles to prevent escape.



Unable to stay still or silent, especially due to dissatisfaction.


Agitated, Restless, Uneasy, Nervous, Impatient, Unruly, Disruptive, Anxious, Tense, Fidgety

Calm, Peaceful, Relaxed, Content, Satisfied, Tranquil, Settled, Serene, Placid, Subdued

The restive crowd grew impatient as the leader was delayed.

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