The Hindu Vocabulary 15 November 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 15 November 2023 is from the Editorial titled “The growth dichotomy: On September’s  Index of Industrial Production data".


Part of Speech/Idiom







 A division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.


Division, Contrast, Duality, Separation, Split, Distinction, Opposition, Discrepancy, Disparity, Difference

Unity, Agreement, Harmony, Integration, Consistency, Uniformity, Similarity, Conformity, Correspondence, Accord

The dichotomy between tradition and modernity is a recurring theme in the novel.



To expect or predict something to happen and take action in preparation for it.

(प्रत्याशा करना)

Expect, Foresee, Predict, Envision, Anticipate, Foretell, Project, Prepare for, Forewarn, Await

Surprise, Overlook, Neglect, Ignore, Disregard, Postpone, Delay, Underestimate, Overlook, Dismiss

The team tried to anticipate potential challenges and plan accordingly.





Arranged in a sequence; following a particular order.


Ordered, Progressive, Consecutive, Serial, Gradual, Successive, Systematic, Continuous

Random, Chaotic, Disordered, Haphazard, Unsystematic, Arbitrary, Unordered, Irregular

The data was presented in a sequential manner to illustrate the timeline.



To become larger in size or volume; to make something larger or more extensive.


Enlarge, Extend, Increase, Grow, Augment, Amplify, Broaden, Develop, Stretch, Spread

Contract, Shrink, Reduce, Diminish, Constrict, Narrow, Decrease, Curtail, Minimize, Condense

The company decided to expand its operations to international markets.



The act of expecting or looking forward to something; the state of being prepared for something.


Expectation, Forethought, Eagerness, Expectancy, Enthusiasm, Hope, Foreknowledge, Forewarning, Prediction

Indifference, Disinterest, Apathy, Unconcern, Ignorance, Neglect, Disregard, Oblivion, Inattention, Surprise

The anticipation of the new product release created a buzz among customers.



Able to withstand wear, pressure, or damage; lasting for a long time.


Long-lasting, Sturdy, Enduring, Permanent, Tough, Resilient, Robust, Strong, Reliable, Solid

Fragile, Flimsy, Temporary, Ephemeral, Weak, Breakable, Unstable, Perishable, Transient

The durable construction materials were chosen for the building to withstand harsh weather conditions.



To surpass or exceed in speed or development.

(आगे बढ़ना)

Surpass, Exceed, Outrun, Outstrip, Overtake, Eclipse, Beat, Outdo, Excel

Lag, Trail, Fall behind, Slow down, Hinder, Retard, Delay, Trail behind, Linger, Dawdle

The company's innovative approach allowed it to outpace its competitors in the market.



Lack of symmetry or balance; irregularity in shape or arrangement.


Imbalance, Irregularity, Dissymmetry, Crookedness, Unevenness, Skewness, Disproportion

Symmetry, Balance, Evenness, Regularity, Proportion, Harmony, Equilibrium, Uniformity, Conformity, Correspondence

The artist intentionally incorporated asymmetry into the design to create visual interest.



Capable of recovering quickly from difficulties; flexible and durable.


Flexible, Tough, Elastic, Adaptable, Hardy, Pliable, Durable, Buoyant, Robust, Springy

Fragile, Brittle, Inflexible, Rigid, Weak, Vulnerable, Delicate, Breakable, Susceptible, Frail

Despite facing challenges, the team remained resilient and bounced back with renewed determination.



Kept within reasonable or modest limits; not extreme.


Reasonable, Temperate, Balanced, Mild, Moderate, Average, Tolerable, Fair, Measured

Extreme, Excessive, Intense, Radical, Harsh, Unreasonable, Immoderate, Severe

The committee reached a moderate decision that satisfied all stakeholders.



Receding or declining, especially in strength or intensity.

(कम होना)

Receding, Declining, Waning, Diminishing, Fading, Retreating, Abating, Lessening, Subsiding, Weakening

Surging, Increasing, Growing, Strengthening, Advancing, Escalating, Rising, Expanding, Intensifying, Thriving

The sound of the waves ebbing away signaled the approaching low tide.



Easily broken or damaged; delicate or brittle.


Delicate, Brittle, Breakable, Frail, Sensitive, Tender, Dainty, Fine, Vulnerable, Crisp

Sturdy, Robust, Tough, Strong, Resilient, Hardy, Solid, Durable, Toughened, Unbreakable

Handle the antique vase with care; it's very fragile and valuable.


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