The Hindu Vocabulary 30 November 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 30 November 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Time for action: On COP-28 climate meeting in Dubai".


Part of Speech/Idiom







Providing a final solution or answer.


Conclusive, Unambiguous, Decisive, Ultimate, Settled, Irrefutable, Definite

Ambiguous, Uncertain, Indefinite, Tentative, Unsettled, Dubious, Vague, Unresolved, Inconclusive, Doubtful

The committee reached a definitive conclusion after a thorough analysis.



Native to a particular region or environment.


Native, Original, Local, Aboriginal, Autochthonous, Endemic, Homegrown, Inherent, Intrinsic, Natural

Foreign, Alien, Exotic, Non-native, Introduced, Imported, External, Outsider, Non-indigenous

The indigenous plants of the forest have adapted to the local climate over generations.



To come together at a common point; to meet.


Meet, Unite, Merge, Join, Conjoin, Combine, Gather, Focus, Concentrate

Diverge, Separate, Scatter, Disperse, Deviate, Disconnect, Disband, Spread, Depart

The paths of the two rivers converge into a single stream.



To make great efforts or struggle towards a goal.

(प्रयास करना)

Endeavor, Attempt, Work hard, Aspire, Seek, Aim, Pursue, Push, Labor

Relax, Rest, Surrender, Abandon, Give up, Cease, Yield, Quit, Discontinue, Desist

Despite facing challenges, she continued to strive for excellence in her work.



In complete agreement or harmony.


Consensus, Accordant, Unified, Undivided, United, Concurring, Harmonious, Mutual, Conform

Divided, Disagreed, Discordant, Dissenting, Conflicting, Dissonant, Disputing, Opposed, Contrary, Varied

The committee reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.



A violation or infraction, especially of a law, duty, or trust.


Violation, Infraction, Transgression, Offense, Trespass, Infringement, Contravention, Non-compliance, Disobedience

Compliance, Obedience, Observance, Adherence, Conformity, Abidance, Fidelity, Allegiance, Loyalty, Faithfulness

The data breach exposed sensitive information to unauthorized individuals.



Intense fear or apprehension.


Fear, Terror, Anxiety, Apprehension, Fright, Panic, Horror, Alarm, Trepidation, Unease

Calmness, Assurance, Confidence, Fearlessness, Courage, Security, Reassurance, Tranquility, Comfort, Ease

The thought of public speaking filled him with a sense of dread.



To support, maintain, or endure.

(सहारा देना)

Support, Maintain, Endure, Continue, Uphold, Bear, Nurture, Preserve, Foster, Sustain

Halt, Cease, Discontinue, Abandon, Collapse, Fail, Weaken, Break, Terminate, Withdraw

Proper nutrition is essential to sustain a healthy lifestyle.



To make up for a loss or hardship; to provide an equivalent for.

(मुआवजा देना)

Reimburse, Repay, Remunerate, Offset, Recompense, Indemnify, Redress, Reward

Deprive, Penalize, Punish, Take away, Forfeit, Lose, Penalize, Hurt, Damage, Injure

The company compensated the employees for working overtime.



To support, strengthen, or reinforce.

(सहारा देना)

Support, Strengthen, Reinforce, Prop up, Sustain, Boost, Enhance, Fortify, Aid, Uphold

Undermine, Weaken, Diminish, Undercut, Sabotage, Hurt, Impair, Reduce, Discourage, Oppose

The additional evidence served to bolster the prosecutor's case.



Retaliation or revenge, typically in response to a harmful action.


Retaliation, Revenge, Retribution, Payback, Vengeance, Recrimination, Counterattack, Punishment, Requital, Redress

Forgiveness, Pardon, Mercy, Amnesty, Compassion, Leniency, Grace, Absolution, Tolerance, Reconciliation

The military conducted a reprisal against the enemy after an unprovoked attack.


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