List of Important Articles of the Indian Constitution

The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949 and came into force on 26th January 1950.

Articles in Indian Constitution

Articles in the Indian Constitution refer to the numbered sections or provisions that outline various aspects of the Constitution. Each article focuses on a particular subject and provides detailed provisions regarding its scope, implementation, and interpretation.

The articles of the Indian Constitution are categorized into different parts, schedules, and appendices. The main body of the Constitution comprises articles that cover topics such as fundamental rights, directive principles of state policy, the structure and powers of the government, citizenship, emergency provisions, and more.

The articles of the Constitution are typically accompanied by clauses, sub-clauses, and explanations that further elaborate on their intent and application. These provisions have been added to ensure clarity and specificity in the functioning of the Indian legal system.

Number of Articles in the Indian Constitution

The Indian Constitution originally had 395 articles when it was adopted on November 26, 1949. However, with subsequent amendments and additions, the total number of articles in the Indian Constitution has increased.

The Constitution of India is famous as the longest-written constitution in the world, consisting of 448 articles classified into 25 parts and 12 schedules.

List of Parts of Indian Constitution




Part I

Union & Its Territory

Articles 1 to 4

Part II


Articles 5 to 11

Part III

Fundamental Rights

Articles 12 to 35

Part IV

Directive Principles of State Policy

Articles 36 to 51

Part IV A

Fundamental Duties

Article 51A

Part V

The Union 

Articles 52 to 151

Part VI

The States

Articles 152 to 237

Part VII

The States in Part B of the First Schedule

(Omitted by the Constitution (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956)

Article 238


The Union Territories

Articles 239 to 242

Part IX

The Panchayats

Article 243 to 243O

Part IX A

The Municipalities

Article 243P to 243ZG

Part IX B

The Co-operative Societies

Article 243ZH to 243ZT

Part X

The Scheduled and Tribal Areas

Article 244 to 244A

Part XI

Relation between Union & the States

Articles 245 to 263

Part XII

Finance, Property, Contracts and Suits

Article 264 to 300A


Trade, Commerce and Intercourse within the territory of India

Articles 301 to 307

Part XIV

Services under the Union and States

Articles 308 to 323

Part XIV A


Articles 323A to 323B

Part XV


Article 324 to 329A

Part XVI

Special Provisions relating to certain classes

Articles 330 to 342


Official Languages

Articles 343 to 351


Emergency Provisions

Articles 352 to 360

Part XIX


Articles 361 to 367

Part XX

Amendment of the Constitution

Article 368

Part XXI

Temporary, Transitional and Special Provisions

Articles 369 to 392


Short title, Commencement, Authoritative Text in
Hindi and Repeals

Articles 393 to 395

Important Articles of the Indian Constitution

  1. Article 1: Name and Territory of the Union
  2. Article 3: Formation of new states and alteration of areas, boundaries, or names of existing states
  3. Article 4: Laws made under Articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the Fourth Schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters
  4. Articles 5- 11: Citizenship
  5. Article 12: Definition of the state
  6. Article 13: Laws inconsistent with or in derogation of the Fundamental rights.
  7. Article 14: Equality before law- The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.
  8. Article 15: Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
  9. Article 16: Equality of Opportunity in Matters of public employment
  10. Article 17: Abolition of untouchability
  11. Article 18: Abolition of Titles- No title, not being a military or academic distinction, shall be conferred by the State No citizen of India shall accept any title from any foreign State
  12. Article 19: Protection of certain rights regarding freedom of speech, freedom to form associations, etc.
  13. Article 20: Protection in respect of conviction for offences
  14. Article 21: Protection of Life and personal liberty
  15. Article 22: Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases
  16. Article 23: Prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
  17. Article 24: Prohibition of employment of children (below 14 years) in factories and mines.
  18. Article 25: Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion
  19. Article 26: Freedom to manage religious affairs
  20. Article 27: Freedom as to pay taxes for promotion of any particular religion
  21. Article 28: Freedom from attending religious instruction.
  22. Article 29: Protection of interest of minorities
  23. Article 30: Right to minorities to establish and administer educational institutions
  24. Article 32: Right to Constitutional Remedies
  25. Article 39A: Equal justice and free legal aid
  26. Article 40: Organisation of village panchayats
  27. Article 41: Right to work, to education, and to public assistance in certain cases
  28. Article 43: The State shall endeavor to secure, by suitable legislation or economic organization, for all workers in industrial work a living wage and conditions of work ensuring a decent standard of living and full enjoyment of leisure and social and cultural opportunities.
  29. Article 44: Uniform civil code for the citizens
  30. Article 45: Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of six years.
  31. Article 48: Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry
  32. Article 49: Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance
  33. Article 50: Separation of Judiciary from the Executive
  34. Article 51: Promotion of international peace and security
  35. Article 51A: Fundamental Duties
  36. Article 52-62: The President of India
  37. Article 63-69: The Vice-President of India
  38. Article 72: Powers of the President to grant pardons, suspend, remit, or commute sentences in certain cases
  39. Article 74: Council of ministers to aid and advise President of India
  40. Article 76: Attorney-General for India
  41. Article 78: Duties of Prime Minister as respects the furnishing of information to the President, etc.
  42. Article 79: Constitution of Parliament
  43. Article 80: Composition of Rajya Sabha
  44. Article 81: Composition of Lok Sabha
  45. Article 102: Disqualifications for membership of Parliament
  46. Article 105: Privileges of the Houses of Parliament and their members
  47. Article 110: Definition of “money bills"
  48. Article 112: Annual financial statement (Budget)
  49. Article 123: Power of President to promulgate ordinances during recess of Parliament.
  50. Article 124: Establishment and Constitution of Supreme Court
  51. Article 127: Appointment of adhoc judges
  52. Article 137: Review of judgement or orders by the Supreme Court
  53. Article 143: Power of President to consult Supreme Court
  54. Article 148: Comptroller and Auditor-General of India
  55. Article 153-161: Governors of state
  56. Article 163: Council of Ministers to aid and advise the Governor
  57. Article 165: Advocate-General of the state
  58. Article 169: Abolition or creation of Legislative Councils in the states
  59. Article 213: Power of governor to promulgate ordinances
  60. Article 216: Constitution of high courts
  61. Article 226: Power of high courts to issue certain writs
  62. Article 239: Administration of union territories
  63. Article 243A: Gram Sabha
  64. Article 243B: Constitution of panchayats
  65. Article 244: Administration of Scheduled Areas and Tribal Areas
  66. Article 246A: Special provision with respect to goods and services tax
  67. Article 279A: Goods and Services Tax Council
  68. Article 280: Finance Commission
  69. Article 300A: Right to Property
  70. Article 315: Public Service Commissions for the Union and for the States
  71. Article 324: Election Commission of India (ECI)
  72. Article 338: National Commission for Scheduled Castes
  73. Article 338A: National Commission for Scheduled Tribes
  74. Article 338B: National Classes Commission for Backward Classes
  75. Article 343: Official language of the Union
  76. Article 352: Proclamation of emergency – National emergency
  77. Article 356: State Emergency (President’s rule)
  78. Article 360: Financial emergency
  79. Article 368: Power of Parliament to amend the Constitution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Parts and Articles of Indian Constitution

How many Parts are there in Indian Constitution?

There are 25 Parts in Indian Constitution.

How many schedules are there in Indian Constitution?

There are 12 schedulesin Indian Constitution.

How many Articles are there in Indian Constitution?

There are 395 articles in Indian Constitution.

When was Indian Constitution adopted?

The Indian Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 26th November 1949.

When did Indian Constitution come into effect?

The Indian Constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950.

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