List of Metals and their ores

Metals exist in a combination with other elements in the form of ore. Before discussing the metals and their ores, let’s first understand what is an element and what are the various types of elements.

1. What is an Element?

A substance that cannot be broken down into another simpler substance is referred to as an element. Although elements are not changed by chemical reactions, nuclear reactions can form new elements.

Every element is made up of atoms of its own kind. This is why the chemical elements are so different from one another. Every element in the universe contains at least one or more atoms. Currently, 118 elements are known, of which 94 are naturally occurring and the rest are produced artificially.

2. Types of Element

There are the three types of elements:

  1. Metals
  2. Non-Metals
  3. Metalloids

2.1. Metals

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, as well as malleable (they may be hammered into sheets) and ductile (they can be drawn into wire).

At room temperature, most of the metals are solids with a characteristic silvery shine. Mercury is the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature.

Some examples of metals are:

Aluminium, Copper, Iron, Tin, Gold, Lead, Silver, Titanium, Uranium, and Zinc.

2.2. Non-Metals

Non-Metals are not malleable or ductile, and they are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

At room temperature, most non-metals are gases that do not conduct electricity, such as oxygen, hydrogen, and chlorine.

At room temperature, a few non-metals, such as carbon and sulphur, are solid state.

Some examples of non-metallic elements are:

Hydrogen, Chlorine, Fluorine, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Selenium.

2.3. Metalloids

A metalloid is a type of chemical element with properties that are intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals.

They are more like non-metals in terms of physical qualities, but under particular conditions, several of them may be made to conduct electricity.

Some of these semiconductors are very important for computers and other electronic devices.

Some examples of Metalloids elements are:

Boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium

3. List of Important Metals and their ores

Ore - Ores are naturally occurring rocks that contain sufficient amounts of metals or metal compounds to make extraction feasible.

The process utilized to extract a certain metal from its ore is determined by the metal's reactivity and thus the ore's stability.

Very reactive metal ore is melted and electrolyzed using a DC (direct current) power supply. The negative electrode attracts the positive metal ions, which accept electrons.

Name of Elements


Chemical Formula

1. Ores of Aluminium (Al)

(i) Bauxite
(ii) Corundum
(iii) Cryolite

(iv) Feldspar

(v) Alunite

(vi) Kaolin or Kaolinite





2. Ores of Iron (Fe)

(i) Hematite
(ii) Magnetite
(iii) Iron Pyrite
(iv) Siderite

(v) Limonite



3. Ores of Copper (Cu)

(i) Copper Pyrite or Chalco pyrite
(ii) Copper Glance
(iii) Cuprite

(iv) Malachite



4. Ores of Zinc (Zn)

(i) Zinc Blend or Sphalerite
(ii) Smithsonite or Calamine

(iii) Zincite



5. Ores of Sodium (Na)

(i) Rock Salt
(ii) Sodium Carbonate


6. Ores of Potassium (K)

(i) Carnalite
(ii) Saltpetre


7. Ores of Lead (Pb)

(i) Galena
(ii) Anglesite


8. Ores of Tin (Sn)

(i) Tin Pyrites
(ii) Cassiterite


9. Ores of Silver (Ag)

(i) Silver Glance or Argentite

(ii) Chlorargyrite



10. Ores of Gold (Au)

(i) Calaverite or Gold Telluride
(ii) Sylvanite


11. Ores of Mercury (Hg)

(i) Cinnabar
(ii) Calomel


12. Ores of Magnesium (Mg)

(i) Dolomite
(ii) Carnallite

(iii) Magnesite



13. Ores of Calcium (Ca)

(i) Limestone
(ii) Dolomite

(iii) Gypsum

(iv) Anhydrite




14. Ores of Phosphorous (P)

(i) Phosphorite
(ii) Fluorapatite


15. Ores of Manganese (Mn)

(i) Pyrolusite

(ii) Mangnite

(iii) Braunite



3Mn2O3, MnSiO3

In this article, types of elements and important metals and their ores are covered. This will help you in the preparation of various exams where questions from chemistry are asked like RRB NTPC, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL, UPSC CDS, State PCS and other competitive exams.


A substance that cannot be broken down into another substance is referred to as an element.

There are the three types of elements: Metals, Non-metals and Metalloids

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity, as well as malleable (they may be hammered into sheets) and ductile (they can be drawn into wire).

Mercury is the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature.

Non-metals are not malleable or ductile, and they are poor conductors of heat and electricity.

A metalloid is a type of a chemical element with properties that are intermediate between those of metals and nonmetals.

Ores are naturally occurring rocks that contain sufficient amounts of metals or metal compounds to make extraction feasible.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Metals and their ores

What are the three types of elements?

Metals, Non-metals and Metalloids are three types of elements.

Which is the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature?

Mercury the only common metal that is liquid at room temperature.

What are the examples of metalloid elements?

Boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium

Which are naturally occurring rocks that contain sufficient amounts of metals or metal compounds to make extraction feasible?

Ores are rocks that naturally contain enough metals or metal compounds to extract.

Which metal is extracted from bauxite ore?

Aluminium is extracted from bauxite ore.

Copper Glance is an ore of Copper (Cu). What is the Chemical Formula of Copper Glance?

Cu2S is the chemical formula of Copper Glance.

Which metal is extracted from Carnalite ore?

Potassium is extracted from Carnalite ore.

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