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Daily Current Affairs Quiz 1, 2 and 3 January 2022

Question 1

Major Dhyan Chand Sports University will be established at which of the following places in Uttar Pradesh?

Question 2

Sanjay Arora will hold an additional charge of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). He is current Director-General of _________.

Question 3

Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan launched the "Padhe Bharat" campaign on January 1, 2022. The campaign will run for how many days?

Question 4

Global Family Day is celebrated every year on which date?

Question 5

DRDO Chairman has recently handed over technology for indigenous extreme cold weather clothing system (ECWCS) to Indian companies. This ECWCS is designed to provide thermal insulation between _______________ Celsius.

Question 6

Consider the following statements with respect to draft National Air Sports Policy:

1. Its vision is to make India one of the top air sports nations by 2025.

2. As per the policy, Air Sports Federation of India (ASFI) will be set up as apex governing body.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 7

Recently, the Department of Telecommunications has formed multiple task forces on 6G technology. Who will head the task force on international standards?

Question 8

Which UT will become the first UT to have district-level Good Governance Index?

Question 9

Which of the following statement is correct about the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)?

1. Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) celebrated its 75th foundation day on 1 January 2022.

2. Recently, DRDO has developed Advanced Chaff Technology to safeguard fighter aircraft of the Indian Air Force (IAF) against hostile radar threats.

Select the correct code:

Question 10

India clinched its eighth U-19 Asia Cup title by defeating _____________ at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium.

Question 11

Under which scheme, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has released the tenth installment of financial assistance on 1 January 2022?

Question 12

Who has become the 24th Chief of the Indian Coast Guard on 31 December 2021?

Question 13

India's current account slipped into a deficit of _____ percent of GDP, in the September quarter.

Question 14

Who has been appointed as the new Chairman and CEO of the Railway Board on 1 January 2022?

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