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Daily Current Affairs Quiz 22 December 2023

Question 1

Which of the following statements is correct?

1. India will launch an app that will enable companies to track their live cargo across land, rail, sea, and air.

2. The National Industrial Corridor Development Corporation (NICDC) is reportedly developing this app.

Select the correct code:

Question 2

In which year was December 22 declared National Mathematics Day on the 125th birth anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan?

Question 3

Scientists discovered volcanic activity over a plain called the Elysium Planitia. It is located on which planet?

Question 4

RBI’s Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model has projected _______________ at 4.8% in FY25.

Question 5

UNESCO has awarded the highest honor, the 'Award of Excellence' to Rambagh Gate and Ramparts in_______________.

Question 6

Who has won the election for the new president of the Wrestling Federation of India?

Question 7

Which of the following statements is correct about the India Skills Report 2024?

1. Kerala is the least preferred State to work in India.

2. This report has been published by talent assessment agency Wheebox.

Select the correct code:

Question 8

Ministry of Textiles launched the “Paat-Mitro” application for ____________.

Question 9

Who clinched the title at Chennai Grand Masters 2023?

Question 10

Sukrita Paul Kumar has won the _____ edition of the Rabindranath Tagore Literary Prize for her book, 'Salt & Pepper: Selected Poems'.

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