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Daily Current Affairs Quiz 30 August 2024

Question 1

Army ordered 73,000 more SIG716 rifles from ____ Company SiG Sauer.

Question 2

Consider the following statements about Voluntary Vehicle Modernization Program (VVMP).

1. VVMP has been introduced to create an ecosystem for phasing out unfit polluting vehicles all over the country.

2. VVMP will be implemented through a network of Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs) and Automated Testing Stations (ATSs).

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

Question 3

Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare organized the 7th Anubhav Awards. How many have received Anubhav awards?

Question 4

The Ministry of Science & Technology developed a new composite membrane called Mixed Matrix Membrane. It will help in the detection of __________ leaks.

Question 5

The theme of the recently inaugurated ASSOCHAM Environment and Carbon Conference is ‘Fostering a collaborative ecosystem for achieving net zero by _____’.

Question 6

Who has launched She-Box portal to make workplaces safer for women?

Question 7

Goa shipyard launched India's first pollution control vessel. What is the name of the vessel?

Question 8

Which of the following statements is correct?

1. Reserve Bank of India has approved the Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment (FACE) as the first self-regulatory organization in the FinTech sector.

2. In May 2024, the RBI finalised the framework for establishing SROs within the FinTech industry.

Select the correct code:

Question 9

Scientists discovered the human body’s natural killer cells that protect from ____________.

Question 10

The government launched the Retired Sportsperson Empowerment Training (RESET) Programme. Which of the statements is correct?

1. Its main aim is to empower retired sportspersons who have brought immense laurels to the nation.

2. Retired sports person aged between 20-50 years are eligible for this programme.

Select the correct code:

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