The Hindu Vocabulary 25 February 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 25 February 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘Level platforms: on new law in Australia’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Cue |
Noun |
a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance. (संकेत) |
Signal, Sign, Prompt, Reminder, Nod |
- |
We were not given any cue of her presence. |
Emulating |
Verb |
match or surpass by imitating. (अनुकरण करना) |
Imitate, Copy, Reproduce, Mimic, Mirror, Irritate |
Please, Warm, Real, Generous |
Most of us wished to emulate Raj's behaviour. |
Mandating |
Verb |
require (something) to be done; make mandatory. (अनिवार्य करना) |
Obligatory, Compulsory, Binding, Required |
Optional, Unimportant, Unnecessary, Inessential |
The government reiterated the policy mandating the rules. |
De facto |
Adjective |
existing or holding a specified position in fact but not necessarily by legal right. (मौजूदा या वास्तव में एक निर्दिष्ट स्थान धारण करना, लेकिन कानूनी अधिकार द्वारा जरूरी नहीं है।) |
Actual, Existing, Existent, Real |
Unreal, Ineffective, Theoretical, De jure |
The party opposed the de facto one-part system. |
Precipitous |
Adjective |
sudden and dramatic. (अचानक और नाटकीय) |
Sudden, Rapid, Swift, Steep, Abrupt |
Slow, Sluggish, Light, Delayed |
There was a precipitous decline in the share price. |
Afloat |
Adjective |
in general circulation; current. (सामान्य परिसंचरण में; वर्तमान।) |
Present, Contemporary, Ongoing, Trendy, Latest |
Past, Previous, Former, Prior |
The farms laws are still afloat. |
Viable |
Adjective |
capable of working successfully; feasible. (व्यवहार्य) |
Workable, Feasible, Practical, Practicable, Possible, Applicable |
Impossible, Impracticable, Unworkable, Unviable, Inoperable |
The application of the new law does not seem viable. |
Reckon |
Verb |
consider or regard in a specified way. (मानना) |
Consider, Judge, View, Deem, Estimate |
Ignore, Neglect, Avoid, Disregard |
I reckon that this target will be achieved soon. |
Intervening |
Verb |
take part in something so as to prevent or alter a result or course of events. (हस्तक्षेप करना) |
Intercede, Arbitrate, Conciliate, Negotiate, Interfere |
Ignore, Avoid, Dismiss, Carelessness, Indifference |
He intervened unnecessarily. |
A laissez-faire |
Noun |
the policy of leaving things to take their own course, without interfering. (हस्तक्षेप के बिना, अपने स्वयं के पाठ्यक्रम लेने के लिए चीजों को छोड़ने की नीति।) |
Free enterprise, Free trade, Individualism, Deregulation |
Interference, Involvement, Participation, Collusion |
They enjoyed being a laissez-faire entity. |
Copyright |
Noun |
the exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for a fixed number of years, to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material. (अनन्य और असाइन करने योग्य कानूनी अधिकार) |
Entitlement, Privilege, Advantage, Due, Power |
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We were given the copyright of the new invention. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 25 February 2021