The Hindu Vocabulary 26 February 2021
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 26 February 2021 is from the Editorial titled ‘After the coup: On political crisis in Myanmar’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Coup |
Noun |
a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government. (तख्तापलट) |
Overthrow, Takeover, Ousting, Deposition, Mutiny |
Election, Vote, Pull, Selection |
In the army coup they suffered a lot. |
Topple |
Verb |
overbalance or cause to overbalance and fall. (गिर पड़ना) |
Fall, Tumble, Overturn, Overbalance, Tip |
Balance, Stable, Static, Fixed |
Ruhi toppled over when I touched her. |
Pro-democracy |
Noun |
denoting or relating to political activism directed towards the establishment of democratic government in a country. (किसी देश में लोकतांत्रिक सरकार की स्थापना के लिए निर्देशित राजनीतिक सक्रियता को दर्शाता या संबंधित।) |
- |
- |
We all were against the pro-democracy movement. |
Orchestrate |
Verb |
plan or coordinate. (योजना या कॉर्डिनेट करना) |
Organize, Arrange, Plan, Set up, Mount |
Disrupt, Ruin, Damage, Destroy |
The current chaos has been orchestrated by him. |
Convene |
Verb |
come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble. (बैठक या गतिविधि के लिए साथ आना या लाना; इकट्ठा) |
Summon, Call, Order, Hold, Convoke, Assemble |
Disperse, Scatter, Spread, Sever |
We had to convene a secret meeting instantly. |
Deploy |
Verb |
bring into effective action. (प्रभावी कार्रवाई करें) |
Use, Utilize, Employ, Exploit |
Destroy, Disrupt, Neglect, Exclude |
The resources were deployed at the last moment. |
Repressive |
Adjective |
inhibiting or restraining personal freedom. (दबाने वाला) |
Oppressive, Authoritarian, Despotic, Dictatorial, Cruel |
Democratic, Liberal, Progressive, Modern |
We couldn’t succeed because of the repressive approach. |
Tactic |
Noun |
an action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end. (रणनीति) |
Strategy, Plan, Manoeuvre, Scheme |
- |
The tactic was not fruitful. |
Quell |
Noun |
put an end to. (शांत करना) |
End, Finish, Crush, Quit, Destroy |
Bring about, Prompt, Start, Initiate |
I turned the volume low to quell the roaring sound. |
Snipers |
Noun |
a person who shoots from a hiding place, especially accurately and at long range. (एक व्यक्ति जो छिपने की जगह से गोली मारता है, विशेष रूप से सटीक और लंबी दूरी पर।) |
Shooter, Aimer |
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The man was killed by snipers in the war. |
Brutal |
Adjective |
savagely violent. (क्रूर) |
Savage, Cruel, Violent, Ferocious, Barbaric |
Gentle, Humane, Kind, Considerate, Tolerant, Sympathetic |
They were involved in a brutal murder. |
Condemnation |
Noun |
the expression of very strong disapproval; censure. (निंदा) |
Censure, Criticism, Stricture, Denunciation, damnation, Vilification |
Praise, Plaudits, Applaud, Praiseworthy |
We have experienced strong condemnation of the new law to be implemented. |
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Watch The Hindu Vocabulary 26 February 2021