The Hindu Vocabulary 4 November 2020
The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 4 November 2020 is from the Editorial titled ‘A fierce contest: On U.S. election results’.
Word |
Part of Speech |
Meaning |
Synonyms |
Antonyms |
Example |
Fierce |
Adjective |
very strong; violent (बहुत कड़ा; ज़बरदस्त, उग्र, प्रचंड, भीषण) |
Angry, Aggressive, Bold, Raging, Savage |
Calm, Apathetic, Gentle, Tame, Cool, Dull |
There was no need of such a fierce step from your end. |
Wrangle |
Verb |
To involve in an argument. (पेचीदा विवाद में पड़ना, झगड़ा करना) |
Brawl, Altercation, Bickering, Brouhaha, Disagreement |
Agreement, calm, Serene, Peace, Quiet |
We got involved in a wrangle at the metro station last night. |
Gauge |
Verb |
to make a judgement or to calculate something by guessing (किसी स्थिति का मूल्यांकन करना या अनुमान से हिसाब लगाना) |
Benchmark, Barometer, Indicator, Criterion |
Neglect, Avoid, Let go, Ignore |
They made us gauge the change in the value. |
Incumbent |
Adjective |
necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility. (पदस्थ) |
Occupant, Official |
- |
Mr. Biden is the incumbent of the then office of Obama. |
Simulate |
Verb |
pretend to have or feel (an emotion). (बनावटी) |
Mimic, Resemble, Disguise, Cheat |
Genuine, Real, Original, Authorized, Authentic |
The cab driver simulated to be following the right route. |
Purportedly |
Adverb |
as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly. (कथित रूप से) |
Supposedly, Assertedly, Avowedly, Professedly |
Surely, Absolutely, Assuredly, Certainly |
Rakesh purportedly wrote the informal letter to his senior. |
Rhetoric |
adjective |
The art of effective speech. (वक्रपटुता) |
Oratory, Composition, Eloquence, Rant |
Inability, Dullness, Weakness, Inarticulate |
The audience at the auditorium was utterly impressed with the rhetoric of the little boy. |
Bungling |
Adjective |
making or characterized by many clumsy mistakes. (गोलमाल) |
Awkward, Inept, Inapt, Unskilful |
Skilled, Perfect, Immaculate, Experienced |
The leader at the speech made bungling remarks. |
Chaotic |
Adjective |
in a state of chaos (अव्यवस्थित, अस्त व्यस्त) |
Disorganized, Lawless, Turbulent, Tumultuous, Riotous |
Calm, Harmonized, Normal, Organized |
The arrangement of the blocks was chaotic. |
Apathy |
Noun |
the feeling of not being interested in or enthusiastic about anything (उदासीनता, अनिच्छा) |
Indifference, Insensitivity, Detachment, Detachment |
Attachment, Concern, Interest, Sympathy, Sensitivity |
We have observed growing apathy among the boys at the orphanage. |
Disdain |
Noun |
the feeling that somebody/something is not good enough to be respected (यह भावना कि कोई सम्मानीय नहीं है, तिरस्कार, अवज्ञा) |
Dislike, Hatred, Aversion, Ridicule, Insolence, Derision |
Admiration, Affection, Approval, Flattery, Liking |
I was disappointed experiencing the disdain she had for me. |
Denouement |
Noun |
the end result of a situation. (समाप्ति) |
Climax, Culmination, End, Close, Wind up |
Beginning, Opening, Start, Commencement |
I have experienced a tragic denouement at my last company. |
Allege |
Verb |
to say that somebody has done something wrong, but without having any proof that this is true (बिना प्रमाण के आरोप लगाना) |
Plead, Charge, Cite, Declare, Affirm |
Contradict, Object, Dissent, Repudiate |
The spokesperson alleged that the leader took bribe. |
Obviate |
Verb |
to remove a difficulty, problem or the need for something (समस्या का निराकरण करना; निवारण करना) |
Settle, Resolve, Unravel, Figure, Fix |
Begin, Unsettle, Tangle, Join, Oppose |
Taking precautions obviate the need of treatment or chances of getting infected. |
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