The Hindu Vocabulary 17 October 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 14 October 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Balancing policy: On Israel, Palestine and India’s line.”


Part of Speech/Idiom







The brutal killing of a large number of people, especially in a violent and cruel manner.


Slaughter, Carnage, Butchery, Bloodshed, Killing, Murder, Genocide, Atrocity, Holocaust, Annihilation

Salvation, Rescue, Preservation, Spare, Survival, Life, Mercy, Protection, Sanctuary, Compassion

The history books were filled with tales of the infamous massacre that occurred in that village.



Unity or agreement among individuals with a common interest or purpose, often characterized by mutual support.


Unity, Togetherness, Cohesion, Cooperation, Fellowship, Harmony, Concord, Union, Alliance, Comradeship

Disunity, Division, Discord, Disagreement, Separation, Dissent, Conflict, Discordance, Estrangement, Hostility

The workers showed great solidarity by going on strike to demand fair wages and better working conditions.



A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one, between parties.


Struggle, Battle, Fight, Dispute, Clash, Contention, Feud, Combat, Confrontation, Quarrel

Agreement, Harmony, Peace, Cooperation, Truce, Accord, Conciliation, Understanding, Resolution, Amity

The conflict between the two neighboring countries led to border tensions and military mobilization.



An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically involving violence or injury to innocent people.


Barbarity, Cruelty, Savagery, Brutality, Horror, Monstrosity, Inhumanity, Wickedness, Malice, Villainy

Kindness, Compassion, Humanity, Benevolence, Gentleness, Goodness, Sympathy, Mercy, Pity, Charity

The world was shocked by the atrocity committed by the terrorists, causing widespread outrage and condemnation.



To express strong disapproval or censure for something, typically because it is morally wrong or offensive.

(निंदा करना)

Censure, Blame, Denounce, Reproach, Disapprove, Criticize, Repudiate, Disparage, Deplore, Reprimand

Praise, Commend, Approve, Applaud, Acclaim, Endorse, Support, Exonerate, Justify, Defend

The international community came together to condemn the use of chemical weapons in the conflict, demanding immediate action to address the issue.



Involving or characterized by a retaliatory action, especially in response to an attack or provocation.


Vengeful, Revengeful, Reciprocal, Reprisal, Reciprocative, Counter, Responsive, Revenge, Reciprocity, Repay

Forgiving, Non-retaliatory, Conciliatory, Merciful, Pardoning, Tolerant, Non-vengeful, Gentle, Kind, Generous

After the unprovoked attack, the nation decided to take retaliatory measures to protect its interests and security.



A subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, feeling, or sound.

(सूक्ष्म भेद)

Subtlety, Distinction, Subtle Difference, Fine Distinction, Nicety, Shading, Gradation, Undertone, Subtlety, Shade

Bluntness, Coarseness, Roughness, Clarity, Obviousness, Simplicity, Crude, Unsubtlety, Clumsiness, Heaviness

The nuance in her performance captured the complexity of the character's emotions, leaving the audience deeply moved.



The expression of very strong disapproval; censure.


Criticism, Blame, Disapproval, Reproach, Censure, Denunciation, Disapprobation, Condemning, Repudiation, Castigation

Approval, Praise, Commendation, Acclaim, Admiration, Endorsement, Applause, Exoneration, Extolment, Laudation

The condemnation of the unethical actions was unanimous, as people demanded justice for the victims.



An act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; duty.



Duty, Responsibility, Commitment, Requirement, Accountability, Mandate, Onus, Compulsion, Necessity, Chore

Freedom, Volition, Choice, Discretion, Liberty, Independence, Spontaneity, Leisure, Ease, Non-compulsion

It is our moral obligation to help those in need during times of crisis.



To regard with extreme repugnance or aversion; to loathe intensely.

(घृणा करना)

Detest, Hate, Despise, Abominate, Loathe, Execrate, Repel, Revile, Dislike, Despise

Love, Adore, Cherish, Admire, Embrace, Respect, Esteem, Appreciate, Favor, Delight

She abhors any form of cruelty towards animals and advocates for their welfare.



A retaliatory action against an enemy in response to a hostile action or injury.


Retaliation, Revenge, Vengeance, Retribution, Payback, Recompense, Counterattack, Requital, Avengement, Reciprocity

Forgiveness, Pardon, Mercy, Clemency, Amnesty, Compassion, Leniency, Generosity, Charity, Absolution

The military launched a reprisal against the insurgents who attacked their outpost.

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