The Hindu Vocabulary 20 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 20 October 2024 is from the Editorial title “Battle of wits: On the Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections”


Part of Speech/Idiom







A person's ability to cope well with difficulties; spirit and resilience.


Courage, Spirit, Determination, Resilience, Fortitude, Tenacity, Valor, Grit, Bravery, Backbone

Cowardice, Timidity, Weakness, Fear, Submission, Hesitance, Inactivity, Indecision, Passivity, Fragility

She showed her mettle by standing up to the challenge.



A small, organized, dissenting group within a larger one.


Group, Sect, Clique, Division, Coalition, Party, Cabal, Squad, Team, Factionalism

Unity, Whole, Cohesion, Consensus, Agreement, Solidarity, Harmony, Collaboration, Alliance, Collective

The political faction was divided over the new policy.




Relating or belonging to each of the people or things mentioned.


Individual, Corresponding, Particular, Distinct, Separate, Individualistic, Specific, Personal, Unique, Diverse

Common, Shared, Collective, Unified, Joint, Together, Collaborative, Combined, Overall, General

Each student was responsible for their respective projects.



The voluntary relinquishment or surrender of some known right or privilege.


Renunciation, Relinquishment, Release, Exemption, Forbearance, Discharge, Abandonment, Nullification, Resignation, Forgiveness

Assertion, Claim, Demand, Requirement, Imposition, Obligation, Request, Enforcement, Compulsion, Necessity

He signed a waiver to participate in the extreme sports event.



Extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion.


Promotion, Publicity, Buzz, Exaggeration, Fanfare, Hysteria, Agitation, Razzmatazz, Sensationalism, Fanfare

Understatement, Disregard, Neglect, Concealment, Apathy, Quietness, Dullness, Indifference, Ignorance, Diminishment

The movie was released with a lot of hype, but it failed to impress audiences.



Relating to the structure of populations.


Population, Statistical, Census, Social, Economic, Population-based, Group-related, Collective, Class, Community

Individual, Singular, Specific, Unique, Personal, Particular, One, Isolated, Detached, Separate

The demographic changes in the area have influenced local policies.



The action or process of making something stronger or more solid.


Strengthening, Unification, Merging, Solidification, Combination, Amalgamation, Integration, Coalescence, Fusion, Organization

Division, Separation, Fragmentation, Disintegration, Dissolution, Dispersal, Weakening, Deterioration, Unraveling, Splitting

The consolidation of companies led to increased market power.




To become smaller in size or amount.


Contract, Diminish, Reduce, Compress, Decrease, Shorten, Narrow, Constrict, Retrench, Deflate

Expand, Grow, Enlarge, Increase, Inflate, Extend, Augment, Widen, Amplify, Broaden

 The sweater may shrink if washed in hot water.



Movement from one region or habitat to another.


Movement, Relocation, Exodus, Displacement, Emigration, Immigration, Transference, Journey, Travel, Passage

Settlement, Stagnation, Residence, Stay, Permanence, Fixity, Stability, Immobility, Remaining, Stationary

The migration of birds southward for the winter is a common sight.



A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose.


Partner, Associate, Supporter, Collaborator, Friend, Companion, Confidant, Colleague, Coalition, Accomplice

Enemy, Adversary, Opponent, Rival, Foe, Antagonist, Competitor, Opposition, Detractor, Competitor

The two countries became allies to fight against a common threat.



Reliant on someone or something to an excessive degree.

(अत्यधिक निर्भर)

Dependent, Reliant, Subordinate, Conditional, Attached, Affiliated, Bound, Controlled, Dominated, Influenced

Independent, Self-sufficient, Autonomous, Self-reliant, Unattached, Detached, Free, Unaffiliated, Unsubsidized, Standalone

Relying too much on technology can make us overdependent.



To fail to notice or consider something.

(अनदेखी करना, नजरअंदाज करना)


Ignore, Neglect, Disregard, Overpass, Miss, Discount, Brush Aside, Dismiss, Tune Out, Pass Over

Notice, Observe, Acknowledge, Attend, Mind, Heed, Recognize, Consider, Regard, Spot

Don’t overlook the small details; they can be very important.

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