The Hindu Vocabulary 21 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 21 October 2024 is from the Editorial title “Israel versus the UN: On Tel Aviv’s move and India’s response”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







To connect someone or something with something else; to join together.


Connect, Link, Relate, Partner, Colleague, Companion, Affiliate, Combine, Unite, Collaborate

Disconnect, Separate, Dissociate, Alienate, Estrange, Withdraw, Isolate, Part, Exclude, Detach

I always associate summer with long, sunny days.




To move around or through a space; to pass from person to person.

(प्रसारित करना)

Distribute, Spread, Disseminate, Pass Around, Broadcast, Flow, Rotate, Transit, Transfer, Circulate

Contain, Retain, Restrict, Confine, Hold, Stagnate, Block, Cease, Stop, Halt

The news about the event began to circulate quickly among the community.



A tendency to lean in a certain direction, often to the detriment of fairness.


Prejudice, Inclination, Preference, Leaning, Discrimination, Partisanship, Sway, Slant, Partisanship, Tendency

Impartiality, Fairness, Objectivity, Neutrality, Equanimity, Disinterest, Equality, Balance, Justice, Open-mindedness

The study revealed a bias in how the data was interpreted.



An act of retaliation.


Retaliation, Revenge, Vengeance, Recompense, Payback, Counteraction, Requital, Revenge, Readdress, Reprisals

Forgiveness, Pardon, Reconciliation, Peace, Amity, Truce, Settlement, Agreement, Cooperation, Reparation

The company faced reprisal from the community after its unethical practices were exposed.




Great destruction or damage.


Destruction, Ruin, Desolation, Wreckage, Havoc, Annihilation, Obliteration, Catastrophe, Devastating, Demolition

Construction, Building, Restoration, Revival, Healing, Recovery, Renewal, Repair, Rejuvenation, Reconstruction

The hurricane caused widespread devastation across the coastal towns.



A physical attack or a violent attack.


Attack, Strike, Assault, Offensive, Charge, Onslaught, Incursion, Aggression, Aggressive Action, Bombardment

Defense, Protection, Safeguard, Shield, Security, Reassurance, Shelter, Support, Guard, Cover

The victim reported the assault to the authorities.



Intentionally; on purpose.


Intentionally, Purposely, Consciously, Willfully, Calculatedly, Methodically, Thoughtfully, Considerately, By Design, Premeditatedly

Accidentally, Inadvertently, Unintentionally, Haphazardly, Randomly, Carelessly, Fortuitously, Unplanned, Involuntarily, Spontaneously

He deliberately ignored the warning signs.



To arrange strategically or to utilize effectively.

(तैनात करना)

Position, Arrange, Utilize, Employ, Mobilize, Station, Dispatch, Implement, Organize, Set Up

Displace, Withdraw, Recede, Retreat, Remove, Dismiss, Abandon, Disband, Halt, Disengage

The military was deployed to assist in disaster relief efforts.



To express strong disapproval of; to declare something wrong or evil.

(निंदा करना)

Censure, Denounce, Criticize, Reproach, Blame, Decry, Disapprove, Reprimand, Punish, Admonish

Approve, Praise, Commend, Support, Endorse, Sanction, Advocate, Ratify, Bless, Uphold

The community leaders condemned the violence that erupted during the protest.



Showing a readiness to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected.


Charitable, Benevolent, Magnanimous, Kind, Openhanded, Liberal, Philanthropic, Unselfish, Altruistic, Big-hearted

Stingy, Greedy, Selfish, Miserly, Tightfisted, Penurious, Uncharitable, Scrooge-like, Ungiving, Mean

The generous donation helped fund the new community center.



A measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.


Control, Moderation, Constraint, Discipline, Limitation, Inhibition, Check, Regulate, Governance, Management

Freedom, Release, Liberation, Emancipation, Independence, License, Excess, Uninhibitedness, Spontaneity, Recklessness

He showed great restraint by not reacting to the provocation.



The act of refraining from something, such as voting or participating.


Refraining, Withholding, Restraint, Avoidance, Detachment, Non-participation, Disengagement, Self-denial, Non-intervention, Reluctance

Participation, Engagement, Involvement, Action, Voting, Engagement, Commitment, Involvement, Usage, Consumption

His abstention from the vote surprised many in the committee.

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