The Hindu Vocabulary 22 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 22 October 2024 is from the Editorial title “Complicit: On India and the U.S and Canada cases”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







Involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing.

 (मिलीभगत में शामिल)

Involved, Culpable, Participating, Engaged, Implicated, Associated, Guilty, Responsible, Aiding, Accomplice

Innocent, Uninvolved, Unaware, Ignorant, Blameless, Unaccountable, Guilt-free, Nonparticipating, Unconcerned, Detached

He was complicit in the plan to defraud the company.



Relating to or characterized by a process of transition.


Temporary, Intermediate, Shifting, Changing, Interim, Provisional, Evolving, Unsettled, Intermediary, Passing

Permanent, Fixed, Stable, Unchanging, Constant, Settled, Enduring, Lasting, Uninterrupted, Steady

The country is in a transitional phase after the elections.



A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime.


Accusation, Charge, Allegation, Prosecution, Blame, Impeachment, Denunciation, Complaint, Arraignment, Condemnation

Acquittal, Pardon, Absolution, Exoneration, Vindication, Release, Discharge, Liberation, Exculpation, Clearing

The court issued an indictment against the businessman for fraud.




A group of people authorized to represent others.


Representatives, Deputation, Envoy, Mission, Committee, Commission, Group, Deputies, Assignment, Entrustment

Centralization, Individual, Withdrawal, Taking, Seclusion, Solitude, Isolation, Reservation, Inaction, Singular

The delegation visited the foreign ministry to discuss trade agreements.



To take the place of something or someone in authority or importance.

(प्रतिस्थापित करना)

Replace, Succeed, Displace, Override, Surpass, Substitute, Outrank, Outshine, Overtake, Overrule

Precede, Retain, Keep, Uphold, Maintain, Preserve, Reinforce, Sustain, Protect, Continue

The new law will supersede the old one next year.




The action of linking or the state of being linked.


Connection, Relation, Association, Bond, Tie, Affiliation, Interconnection, Attachment, Liaison, Coupling

Separation, Disconnection, Isolation, Detachment, Segregation, Severance, Dissociation, Break, Disjunction, Division

There is a clear linkage between poverty and lack of education.




The occurrence of events at the same time by chance.


Concurrence, Accident, Happenstance, Luck, Chance, Serendipity, Fluke, Correlation, Synchrony, Simultaneity

Plan, Intention, Design, Preparation, Deliberation, Forethought, Calculation, Expectation, Intention, Arrangement

It was a coincidence that we both wore the same outfit to the party.




To trigger or cause something to happen.

(प्रेरित करना)

Triggering, Igniting, Provoking, Stimulating, Inspiring, Initiating, Setting Off, Arousing, Stirring, Starting

Suppressing, Quenching, Extinguishing, Stifling, Halting, Dousing, Preventing, Calming, Ending, Containing

His comment ended up sparking a heated debate.



 A strong, unpleasant smell.


Stench, Odor, Smell, Foulness, Funk, Stink, Whiff, Aroma, Vapor, Fumes

Fragrance, Perfume, Scent, Aroma, Bouquet, Sweetness, Redolence, Freshness, Whiff, Zephyr

The trash can reeked after being left out in the sun



To begin or continue a course of action.

(आगे बढ़ना)

Continue, Advance, Progress, Move On, Go Ahead, Carry On, Persist, Develop, Follow, Pursue

Halt, Stop, Cease, Refrain, Pause, Delay, Interrupt, Suspend, Discontinue, Abort

After the break, the meeting proceeded as scheduled.



An extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation.


Fury, Anger, Indignation, Shock, Scandal, Offense, Disgrace, Resentment, Injustice, Abuse

Contentment, Satisfaction, Calm, Happiness, Peace, Tranquility, Delight, Gratitude, Approval, Serenity

The new law sparked public outrage across the country.



The dispersion of any people from their original homeland.

(प्रवासी समुदाय)

Dispersal, Scattering, Exile, Migration, Emigration, Expatriation, Dispersion, Refugees, Movement, Relocation

Homeland, Convergence, Gathering, Repatriation, Unity, Consolidation, Conglomeration, Return, Settlement, Concentration

The Indian diaspora has a significant influence in many countries.

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