The Hindu Vocabulary 10 November 2022


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 10 November 2022 is from the Editorial titled ‘Considering consent: On POCSO Act and the age of consent.’


Part of Speech/Idiom







Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.


Acquiescence, Approval, Assent, Authorization, Compliance, Permit

Denial, Disagreement, Refusal, Disapproval, Dissent, Rejection, Prohibition

He did not give his consent to use his name in the advertisement.


Agree to something or give permission for something to happen.

(सहमत होना)

Subscribe, Comply, Acquiesce, Concede, Accept, Allow, Approve

Deny, Disagree, Condemn, Disallow, Dispute, Dissent, Forbid

She finally consented to appear in the video.



A clause in a contract by which a condition is introduced.

A stipulation or condition.

(नियम/ परंतुक/ शर्त/ बंधेज)

Condition, Provision, Stipulation, Contingency, Article, Clause


Shikhar accepted the job offer with one proviso that he would work in day shifts only.



An act of impelling action.

A force that urges.

(अनुरोध/ प्रेरणा)

Appetite, Compulsion, Craving, Impulse

Disgust, Dislike, Distaste, Hate

He has a strong urge to open his restaurant.


To push along.

To exert a driving force.

(विनती करना/ प्रेरना करना)

Advise, Advocate, Ask, Compel

Censure, Condemn, Criticize, Deny

He urged his supporters to bring more and more persons to the rally.



The act of recommending

(सिफ़ारिश करना)

Endorsement, Guidance, Instruction, Judgment, Order, Proposal, Proposition

Disapproval, Opposition, Refusal, Rejection

He was hired on the manager’s recommendation.



To run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent of one’s parents.

To run away with a lover.

To leave without permission.

To go away secretly.

(साथ भाग जाना/ सहपलायन करना/ गुप्त रहना/ फ़रार होना)

Run off, Abscond, Bolt, Decamp

Continue, Face, Meet, Remain

His daughter eloped with her lover at midnight.



To act.

To establish by legal procedure.

(अभिनय करना/ क़ानून का रूप बनाना)

Achieve, Execute, Accomplish, Appoint

Fail, miss, Abandon, Deny

The parliament has formed a committee to enact a bill.



Dealings of communication between individuals or groups.

Interchange of thoughts or feelings.

Physical sexual contact between individuals.

(संभोग/ समागम/ अन्योन्य संसर्ग/ मेल-जोल)

Copulation, Intimacy, Coition, Coitus, Association, Commerce, Communion, Connection, Contact, Converse

Antagonism, Disagreement, Division, Miscommunication

The couple admitted in court that they did not have intercourse.



An adolescent person.

A young person who is developing into an adult.

(एक किशोर व्यक्ति।)

Juvenile, Kid, Tween, Youth, Minor, teenager

Adult, Infant

We have two kids who are now adolescents.


Growing to manhood or womanhood.

Having the characteristics of adolescence.

Relating to adolescence.

Emotionally or intellectually immature.

(किशोर/ कुमार)

Young, Teenage, Immature, Youngish, Boyish, Youthful

Adult, Mature, Geriatric, Old

Our adolescent kid made some mistakes.



To follow to the end.

To bring legal action against a crime.

To carry on a legal suit.

(पीछा करना/ अनुसरण करना/ निर्वाह करना/ मुक़दमा करना)

Arraign, Indict, Litigate, Sue, Summon, Try, Contest, Conduct, Engage, Execute, Pursue, Continue, Direct

Exonerate, Halt, Cease, Clear, Liberate, Pardon, Free, Ignore, Leave, Neglect, fail

The lawyer told me that in a robbery case, the culprit will be prosecuted to the fullest.



Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.


Endanger, Risk, Jeopardize, Imperil, Unsafe, Unguarded

Safe, Protected, Guarded, Shielded, Resting, Resilient

People with asthma are vulnerable to pollution.



To make an attack.

(हमला करना/ आक्रमण करना/ धावा करना/ धर्षण करना)

Abuse, Invade, Violate, Shoot down, Rape, Jump, Avance, Assail

Decrease, Praise, Retreat

She was accused of assaulting her colleague.


A sudden violent attack.

(धावा/ वार/ चढ़ाई/ धर्षण)

Aggression, Onslaught, Rape, Strike, Charge, Incursion, Invasion, Offensive


He was charged with a case of physical assault.



Use for profit.

Selfish utilization.

An instance of exploiting.

(शोषण/ चूषण/ काम लेना/ दोहन)

Bleeding, Using, Profiteering


The locals are facing trouble because of the over-exploitation of newly discovered oil fields in their region.



Relating to the matter at hand.


Applicable, Apposite, Apropos, Germane

Improper, Inapplicable, Unfitting, Inappropriate

Manager asked me to send all the pertinent files related to the project.



The process of altering a law in a constitutional procedure.

A material that aids plant growth by improving the soil condition.


Change, Modification, reform, Remedy, Act, Bill, Measure, Motion

Damage, Harm, Injury, Repose

It is not possible to get this amendment passed without a majority.



Intention or purpose


Aim, Goal, Target, Objective


The intent of Suresh was never to do any good for me.


Directed with strained or eager attention.



Decided, Hell-bent, Preoccupied, Resolved

Flexible, Indefinite, Unconcerned, Undecided

My wife was so intent on going on an airplane.

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