The Hindu Vocabulary 17 December 2023


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 16 December 2023 is from the Editorial titled “Debt and welfare: On the new government in Madhya Pradesh, election promises and the exchequer".


Part of Speech/Idiom







Something, typically money, that is owed or due.


Obligation, Liability, Indebtedness, Arrears, Borrowing, IOU, Due, Loan, Credit, Red ink

Asset, Wealth, Surplus, Credit, Profit, Abundance, Excess, Riches, Prosperity, Plenty

The company struggled to pay off its substantial debt, leading to financial challenges.



A person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

(सूचना देने वाला)

Announce, Proclaim, Signal, Foretell, Declare, Introduce, Precursor, Harbinger, Indicate, Pioneer

Conceal, Suppress, Hush up, Muffle, Silence, Secrecy, Hide, Keep quiet, Withhold, Keep silent

The trumpets were the heralds of the king's grand entrance.



The action of changing or adjusting something to a different or previous position.


Adjustment, Reorganization, Restructuring, Rearrangement, Adaptation, Modification, Reshuffling, Redefinition, Reordering, Transformation

Disarray, Disorder, Confusion, Chaos, Unrest, Disturbance, Upheaval, Unsettling, Disruption, Turmoil

The realignment of the political parties led to a shift in power dynamics.



In a seemingly contradictory way that may nonetheless be true.

(पराधीनता में)

Contradictorily, Ironically, Perversely, Anomalously, Inconsistently, Confoundingly, Unexpectedly, Counterintuitively, Enigmatically, Bizarrely

Consistently, Coherently, Conclusively, Clearly, Logically, Predictably, Rationally, Sensibly, Clearly, Understandably

Paradoxically, the more he tried to control, the less influence he seemed to have.



To combine a number of things into a single, more effective or coherent whole.

(समेकित करना)

Unify, Merge, Integrate, Combine, Amalgamate, Fuse, Join, Cohere, Solidify, Strengthen

Divide, Separate, Disintegrate, Disperse, Scatter, Fragment, Dissolve, Break up, Weaken, Dismantle

The company decided to consolidate its various departments for better efficiency.



The process or state of excluding or being excluded.


Omission, Elimination, Rejection, Banishment, Prohibition, Bar, Repudiation, Isolation, Exemption, Neglect

Inclusion, Admission, Acceptance, Embrace, Allowance, Incorporation, Permission, Reception, Recognition, Welcome

The exclusion of certain items from the agreement raised concerns among the stakeholders.



Having great influence on someone or something.


Powerful, Persuasive, Authoritative, Impactful, Dominant, Significant, Commanding, Potent, Effective, Authoritative

Insignificant, Ineffective, Powerless, Uninfluential, Weak, Feeble, Inconspicuous, Inoperative, Impotent, Irrelevant

Her influential speeches played a key role in shaping public opinion.



To make or become wider; to increase in width.


Broaden, Expand, Enlarge, Extend, Stretch, Diversify, Dilate, Spread, Amplify, Augment

Narrow, Contract, Shrink, Reduce, Constrict, Tighten, Limit, Curtail, Decrease, Restrict

The government decided to widen the road to accommodate increasing traffic.



Unnecessary; not required.


Unnecessary, Superfluous, Gratuitous, Excessive, Unwarranted, Unneeded, Redundant, Extraneous, Dispensable, Avoidable

Necessary, Essential, Required, Vital, Indispensable, Needed, Requisite, Mandatory, Compulsory, Inevitable

The additional paperwork was deemed needless and burdensome.



A person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.


Recipient, Heir, Receiver, Legatee, Devisee, Inheritor, Donee, Grantee, Assignee, Nominee

Donor, Giver, Contributor, Bestower, Grantor, Offeror, Endower, Payer, Provider, Sponsor

The children were named as the beneficiaries in their grandfather's will.



Successful in producing a desired or intended result.


Efficient, Successful, Productive, Efficacious, Potent, Competent, Capable, Powerful, Operative, Forceful

Ineffective, Inefficient, Unproductive, Weak, Incompetent, Impotent, Feeble, Unsuccessful, Inadequate, Powerless

The new strategy proved to be highly effective in boosting sales.


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