The Hindu Vocabulary 1 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 1 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Demand flux: On growth dynamics’’.


Part of Speech/Idiom







Continuous change or movement; instability.


Flow, Change, Variation, Instability, Unrest, Fluctuation, Transition, Alteration, Movement, Drift

Stability, Constancy, Stagnation, Fixity, Rigidity, Permanence, Stillness, Steadiness, Consistency, Calm

The stock market has been in a state of flux for weeks.




A sign or warning that something, especially something significant, is likely to happen.


Omen, Sign, Warning, Indication, Forewarning, Presage, Augury, Premonition, Harbinger, Foreshadowing

Insignificance, Triviality, Inconsequence, Unimportance, Ordinary, Commonness, Immateriality, Casualness, Non-event, Negligibility

The dark clouds were seen as a portent of a storm.



The act of taking goods or the amount of goods taken; consumption.


Uptake, Consumption, Demand, Usage, Acquisition, Procurement, Purchase, Intake, Utilization, Distribution

Surplus, Excess, Oversupply, Overflow, Supply, Replenishment, Stockpile, Addition, Superabundance, Excessive

The offtake of electricity increased during the summer months.



To recover or bounce back from an adverse condition.


Recovery, Bounce, Return, Revival, Recuperation, Resurgence, Comeback, Resilience, Upsurge, Recoil

Decline, Fall, Drop, Collapse, Worsen, Fail, Sink, Plummet, Decrease, Deteriorate

The company’s profits started to rebound after a difficult year.



To force or oblige someone to do something.

(मजबूर करना)

Force, Coerce, Oblige, Urge, Pressure, Drive, Command, Impel, Mandate, Enforce

Dissuade, Discourage, Prevent, Free, Release, Halt, Obstruct, Restrain, Permit, Allow

The teacher compelled the students to complete their assignments on time.



Absolutely necessary or important; essential.

(अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण)

Essential, Crucial, Important, Necessary, Critical, Indispensable, Fundamental, Key, Significant, Mandatory

Nonessential, Unimportant, Superfluous, Trivial, Insignificant, Optional, Inessential, Minor, Unnecessary, Secondary

Proper nutrition is vital for maintaining good health.



To move or develop faster than something else.

(पीछे छोड़ देना)

Surpass, Exceed, Overtake, Outperform, Lead, Outrun, Overhaul, Beat, Excel, Outstrip

Lag, Fall behind, Follow, Trail, Slow down, Underperform, Drop, Delay, Stagnate, Linger

The company's growth has outpaced all its competitors.



To consider or calculate; to believe or assume.

(गणना करना)

Calculate, Consider, Assume, Judge, Estimate, Expect, Think, Believe, Surmise, Figure

Disregard, Ignore, Discount, Neglect, Doubt, Mistrust, Forget, Overlook, Disbelieve, Deny

I reckon it will take about two hours to finish the work.



About to happen; impending.

(शीघ्र होने वाला)

Impending, Approaching, Looming, Near, Forthcoming, Upcoming, Inevitable, Expected, Threatening, Immediate

Distant, Remote, Far-off, Delayed, Avoidable, Unlikely, Uncertain, Postponed, Prolonged, Doubtful

The weather report warned of an imminent storm.




To speak with difficulty, often repeating sounds or words.


Falter, Hesitate, Stammer, Pause, Fumble, Repeat, Break, Trip, Halt, Splutter

Fluency, Articulate, Smoothness, Flow, Continuity, Ease, Coherence, Eloquence, Clarity, Glibness

He tends to stutter when he’s nervous.



Available for use at the discretion or choice of the individual.


Optional, Voluntary, Flexible, Non-compulsory, Elective, Selective, Arbitrary, Freely chosen, Unrestricted, Judgmental

Mandatory, Obligatory, Compulsory, Involuntary, Required, Enforced, Fixed, Limited, Constrained, Non-optional

The company gave its employees a discretionary bonus at the end of the year.



To reveal or disclose something for the first time.

(अनावरण करना)

Reveal, Disclose, Expose, Show, Announce, Present, Introduce, Uncover, Launch, Unmask

Conceal, Hide, Cover, Obscure, Suppress, Withhold, Mask, Disguise, Camouflage, Cloak

The company plans to unveil its new product next month.

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