The Hindu Vocabulary 2 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 2 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “The edge of war: On the West Asia situation’’.


Part of Speech/Idiom







The outermost point or part; a slight advantage.


Margin, Brink, Verge, Border, Rim, Fringe, Perimeter, Bound, Boundary, Advantage

Center, Middle, Core, Interior, Plainness, Softness, Inferiority, Weakness, Bluntness, Disadvantage

The cliff's edge was dangerously close to the trail.




Important or significant; following as a result.


Significant, Important, Critical, Weighty, Momentous, Pivotal, Vital, Meaningful, Substantial, Crucial

Inconsequential, Insignificant, Trivial, Unimportant, Irrelevant, Minor, Negligible, Nonessential, Superficial, Unremarkable

The decision had consequential effects on the company’s future.



The refusal to accept or comply with something; the ability to withstand something.


Defiance, Opposition, Struggle, Rebellion, Resilience, Endurance, Refusal, Defense, Refutation, Objection

Acceptance, Compliance, Submission, Surrender, Capitulation, Yielding, Weakness, Acquiescence, Conformity, Vulnerability

There was strong resistance to the new policy.




 A component or part of something; someone represented by an elected official.


Component, Element, Part, Ingredient, Member, Factor, Segment, Unit, Section, Piece

Whole, Entirety, Aggregate, Total, Mass, Composite, Non-component, Union, Collective, Universal

The key constituent of the solution is water.



A small hollow or depression in a surface; a reduction in the amount or size of something.

(हल्की क्षति)

Depression, Hollow, Nick, Cut, Notch, Scratch, Reduction, Decrease, Damage, Indentation

Increase, Raise, Strengthen, Expand, Enhance, Reinforce, Build-up, Improve, Growth, Addition

The car had a large dent in the rear bumper.




Making a counter-attack or taking revenge.


Revengeful, Vengeful, Punitive, Reprisal, Backlash, Counteractive, Payback, Retributive, Counterattack, Avengeful

Forgiving, Tolerant, Peaceful, Reconciliatory, Accepting, Non-combative, Non-aggressive, Lenient, Calm, Nonviolent

The government launched a retaliatory strike against the enemy forces.



To increase rapidly or intensify.

(तीव्र करना)

Intensify, Heighten, Amplify, Expand, Increase, Worsen, Aggravate, Accelerate, Elevate, Extend

Decrease, Diminish, Alleviate, Reduce, Lower, Minimize, Shrink, Decline, Curtail, Subside

The argument quickly escalated into a full-blown conflict.



To shape something by cutting, or to create or divide.


Cut, Sculpt, Shape, Fashion, Mold, Form, Etch, Engrave, Inscribe, Whittle

Destroy, Demolish, Flatten, Erase, Disfigure, Obliterate, Shatter, Break, Ruin, Annihilate

The artisan carved a beautiful sculpture out of wood.



A person held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.


Captive, Prisoner, Pawn, Detainee, Abductee, Inmate, Victim, Pledge, Security, Prisoner of war

Liberator, Freed, Savior, Protector, Rescuer, Guardian, Defender, Helper, Liberated, Unrestrained

The criminals took several hostages during the bank robbery.



To lower in dignity or quality; to cause deterioration.

(अपमानित करना)

Humiliate, Demean, Lower, Deteriorate, Diminish, Belittle, Depreciate, Disparage, Corrupt, Downgrade

Elevate, Enhance, Improve, Upgrade, Honor, Boost, Raise, Promote, Respect, Uplift

Environmental pollution has degraded the quality of air in the city.



The action of holding back or controlling one’s actions, emotions, or movements.


Control, Moderation, Caution, Inhibition, Suppression, Self-discipline, Curbs, Regulation, Limit, Self-restraint

Freedom, Agitation, Wildness, Impulse, Liberation, Unrestraint, Indulgence, Abandonment, Excess, Recklessness

He showed great restraint by not responding to the provocations during the argument.



A period of violent or uncontrollable behavior, typically involving destruction or chaos.


Riot, Uproar, Frenzy, Outburst, Fury, Havoc, Raging, Chaos, Violence, Tantrum

Calmness, Peace, Tranquility, Order, Restraint, Serenity, Control, Stability, Harmony, Quiet

The crowd went on a rampage after the match ended in a draw, damaging property and causing chaos.


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