The Hindu Vocabulary 3 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 3 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Heartland murmurs: On the Haryana Assembly elections’’.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A low, indistinct, continuous sound or soft, quiet speech.


Whisper, Mutter, Grumble, Buzz, Mumble, Hum, Hiss, Rustle, Sigh, Babble

Shout, Yell, Roar, Silence, Quietness, Clamor, Screech, Bellow, Boom, Silence

He murmured his response, making it hard for anyone to hear him.



The central or most important part of a country, region, or area.

(मुख्य क्षेत्र)

Core, Center, Hub, Nucleus, Stronghold, Epicenter, Base, Main region, Central area, Homeland

Periphery, Outskirts, Borderland, Edge, Fringes, Hinterland, Outland, Suburb, Boundary, Frontier

The heartland of the country is known for its rich agricultural production.



Currently holding a particular position or role; necessary as a duty or responsibility.


Current, In-office, Present, Occupant, Sitting, Holding office, Obligatory, Essential, Required, Necessary

Optional, Successor, Unnecessary, Former, Ex-, Discretionary, Nonessential, Contender, Challenging, Incoming

The incumbent president is running for re-election this year.



A discussion aimed at reaching an agreement between two or more parties.


Bargaining, Discussion, Mediation, Arbitration, Settlement, Deal, Dialogue, Talks, Compromise, Conference

Disagreement, Deadlock, Conflict, Confrontation, Argument, Stalemate, Impasse, Refusal, Opposition, Struggle

The negotiation between the workers and management resulted in a fair agreement.




To cause something (usually a train) to leave its tracks or to cause a plan to fail or go off course.

(विफल करना)

Succeed, Continue, Stay on course, Progress, Stay on track, Accomplish, Maintain, Focus, Proceed, Advance

Disrupt, Wreck, Thwart, Obstruct, Sabotage, Upset, Foil, Hinder, Deactivate, Deform

The sudden change in regulations derailed the company's expansion plans.



Causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry; actively aggressive.


Insulting, Abusive, Aggressive, Disrespectful, Obnoxious, Provocative, Attacking, Invasive, Belligerent, Rude

Polite, Kind, Pleasant, Courteous, Defensive, Inoffensive, Respectful, Friendly, Agreeable, Supportive

His offensive remarks led to a heated argument in the meeting.



Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.


Daunting, Intimidating, Fearsome, Powerful, Imposing, Strong, Mighty, Alarming, Tough, Dreadful

Weak, Feeble, Ineffective, Simple, Easy, Unimpressive, Fragile, Small, Powerless, Unimportant

The team faced a formidable opponent in the championship finals.



Not able to be predicted or foreseen; changeable.


Uncertain, Erratic, Volatile, Random, Inconsistent, Surprising, Changeable, Unreliable, Capricious, Fickle

Predictable, Certain, Foreseeable, Stable, Reliable, Consistent, Expected, Sure, Definite, Regular

The weather in this region is highly unpredictable, making it difficult to plan trips.




The possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring.


Chances, Opportunities, Outlook, Possibilities, Expectation, Hope, Potential, Promise, Likelihood, Forecast

Impossibility, Hopelessness, Despair, Improbability, Unlikelihood, Misfortune, Downturn, Inaction, Stagnation, Failure

The job market prospects look bright for recent graduates in the tech industry.



To arouse curiosity or interest; a secret scheme or plot.


Fascinate, Interest, Attract, Charm, Mystify, Allure, Bewitch, Scheme, Conspiracy, Plot

Boredom, Transparency, Indifference, Simplicity, Honesty, Disinterest, Straightforwardness, Clarity, Openness, Plainness

The mysterious stranger's behavior intrigued everyone at the party.



Lack of tension, activity, or diligence.


Lax, Loose, Negligent, Careless, Idle, Inactive, Sluggish, Lenient, Lethargic, Relaxed

Tightness, Activity, Diligence, Hardworking, Alertness, Busy, Strict, Efficient, Constrained, Tense

The manager warned the employees against being slack in their work duties.




A large or sufficient amount; more than enough.


Abundance, Ample, Bounty, Sufficiency, Excess, Profusion, Wealth, Copiousness, Lavishness, Surplus

Scarcity, Lack, Shortage, Deficiency, Insufficiency, Dearth, Few, Paucity, Meagerness, Inadequacy

There was plenty of food for everyone at the party.

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