The Hindu Vocabulary 4 October 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 4 October 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Inflection point: On the escalation in the multi-party West Asia conflict’’.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A change in the pitch or tone of the voice or a change in the form of a word.


Modulation, Intonation, Variation, Bend, Curve, Accent, Tone, Change, Shift, Flexion

Monotone, Unchanged, Uniformity, Flatness, Stability, Constant, Steadiness, Consistency, Plateau, Continuity

The inflection in her voice conveyed both excitement and concern.




 A rapid increase in the intensity or seriousness of something.

(तीव्रता में वृद्धि)

Increase, Intensification, Growth, Surge, Rise, Expansion, Amplification, Elevation, Boost, Acceleration

Reduction, Decrease, Decline, Diminution, Alleviation, Retreat, Mitigation, Lowering, Deflation, Descent

The escalation of tensions between the two countries caused widespread concern.



The action of becoming involved in a situation to alter the outcome.


Mediation, Involvement, Intercession, Interference, Arbitration, Interruption, Participation, Insertion, Intrusion, Negotiation

Non-interference, Inaction, Withdrawal, Neglect, Avoidance, Isolation, Abandonment, Indifference, Passivity, Refrain

The government’s intervention helped stabilize the economy.



An action or speech that makes someone angry or irritated.


Incitement, Instigation, Agitation, Goading, Irritation, Prodding, Offense, Harassment, Stimulation, Annoyance

Pacification, Calmness, Peace, Tranquility, Appeasement, Deterrence, Restraint, Prevention, Placation, Comfort

His provocative remarks led to a heated argument.




Serving as a symbol of something else, often with deeper meaning.


Representative, Metaphoric, Allegorical, Emblematic, Figurative, Suggestive, Signifying, Iconic, Significant, Indicative

Literal, Actual, Real, Genuine, Concrete, Direct, Explicit, Factual, Straightforward, Authentic

The dove is symbolic of peace and harmony.




The action of returning an attack or harm done to oneself.


Revenge, Vengeance, Reprisal, Payback, Counterattack, Retribution, Counteraction, Response, Backlash, Reaction

Forgiveness, Pardon, Mercy, Leniency, Peace, Reconciliation, Nonviolence, Pacification, Clemency, Forbearance

The country launched a military retaliation following the attack.




To release something powerful or destructive.

(मुक्त करना)

Release, Free, Discharge, Set loose, Unfetter, Liberate, Unchain, Loosen, Let go, Unbind

Restrain, Suppress, Hold, Contain, Inhibit, Constrain, Bind, Muzzle, Control, Limit

The new policy unleashed a wave of innovation in the industry.



The action of discouraging an action or event through fear or doubt.


Prevention, Discouragement, Inhibition, Restraint, Obstruction, Hindrance, Repression, Obstacle, Dissuasion, Blockage

Encouragement, Provocation, Incentive, Instigation, Temptation, Enticement, Inspiration, Attraction, Motivation, Lure

The threat of sanctions acts as a deterrence against illegal trade.



Punishment inflicted on someone for a wrong or criminal act.


Vengeance, Revenge, Payback, Justice, Retaliation, Punishment, Reprisal, Penalty, Compensation, Redress

Mercy, Forgiveness, Pardon, Grace, Clemency, Leniency, Compassion, Immunity, Exoneration, Exemption

The criminals feared retribution from the victims' families.




An act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct.


Violation, Infringement, Infraction, Break, Rupture, Disruption, Contravention, Transgression, Trespass, Breaching

Compliance, Observance, Adherence, Obedience, Conformity, Abidance, Respect, Fulfillment, Agreement, Following

There was a serious breach of security at the bank.




The use of influence or power to achieve a desired result.

(लाभ उठाना)

Influence, Advantage, Power, Control, Authority, Clout, Weight, Command, Grasp, Hold

Weakness, Disadvantage, Powerlessness, Inferiority, Ineffectiveness, Helplessness, Handicap, Drawback, Deficit, Shortcoming

She used her connections to gain leverage in the negotiations.



To appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.

(दिखाई देना)

Emerge, Appear, Surface, Hover, Threaten, Approach, Brood, Hang, Impend, Enlarge

Disappear, Recede, Withdraw, Fade, Evaporate, Retreat, Vanish, Subside, Diminish, Abate

Dark clouds loomed on the horizon.

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