The Hindu Vocabulary 20 December 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 20 December 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Electronic distraction: On politics and the ‘EVM issue’”.


Part of speech







Something that prevents concentration or draws attention away.

(ध्यान भंग)

Diversion, Interruption, Interference, Disturbance, Amusement, Preoccupation, Hindrance, Confusion, Attraction, Detour

Focus, Attention, Concentration, Calmness, Serenity, Tranquility, Composure, Stability, Order, Discipline

The noise from the street was a major distraction during the meeting.



To interfere with something in an unauthorized way.

(छेड़छाड़ करना)

Interfere, Meddle, Alter, Falsify, Distort, Manipulate, Modify, Handle, Corrupt, Tinker

Preserve, Protect, Maintain, Safeguard, Secure, Mend, Repair, Restore, Support, Fix

It is illegal to tamper with evidence during an investigation.



The act of controlling or influencing something in a skillful or often unfair way.


Exploitation, Handling, Control, Maneuvering, Influence, Deception, Scheming, Adjustment, Modification, Trickery

Honesty, Truthfulness, Integrity, Sincerity, Openness, Transparency, Uprightness, Innocence, Fairness, Justice

The company's manipulation of the data misled investors.




A claim that someone has done something wrong, often without proof.



Accusation, Claim, Assertion, Charge, Indictment, Complaint, Blame, Imputation, Statement, Assertion

Proof, Evidence, Truth, Justification, Affirmation, Defense, Endorsement, Verification, Validation, Exoneration

The politician denied the allegation of corruption against him.



Involving many details or carefully arranged parts.


Detailed, Complex, Intricate, Thorough, Expound, Decorate, Embellish, Develop, Refined, Sophisticated

Simple, Basic, Plain, Minimal, Direct, Uncomplicated, Modest, Ordinary, Crude, Straightforward

The artist’s elaborate designs took weeks to complete.



A secret plan by a group to do something harmful or unlawful.


 Plot, Scheme, Collusion, Intrigue, Plan, Cabal, Deception, Treachery, Connivance, Stratagem

Honesty, Truth, Sincerity, Transparency, Reality, Innocence, Legality, Trust, Openness, Authenticity

The police uncovered a conspiracy to overthrow the government.



The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.


Honesty, Morality, Uprightness, Sincerity, Virtue, Rectitude, Truthfulness, Decency, Fairness, Trustworthiness

Dishonesty, Corruption, Deceit, Immorality, Fraudulence, Untrustworthiness, Hypocrisy, Wickedness, Falsehood, Depravity

The leader was admired for his integrity and dedication to the nation.



Relevant to a particular matter.


Relevant, Appropriate, Suitable, Related, Applicable, Significant, Fitting, Proper, Germane, Connected

Irrelevant, Unrelated, Inappropriate, Extraneous, Impertinent, Inapplicable, Unimportant, Off-topic, Insignificant, Peripheral

The lawyer presented only the most pertinent evidence in court.



Bold and without shame.


Shameless, Bold, Audacious, Defiant, Insolent, Unashamed, Brash, Cocky, Impudent, Forward

Shy, Modest, Humble, Timid, Reticent, Reserved, Polite, Hesitant, Courteous, Subtle

The thief made a brazen attempt to steal in broad daylight.



A strong supporter of a cause, person, or group, often biased.


Supporter, Follower, Adherent, Advocate, Biased, Proponent, Fanatic, Zealot, Ally, Champion


Neutral, Unbiased, Impartial, Objective, Fair, Nonpartisan, Detached, Independent, Disinterested, Balanced

His partisan behavior during the debate was criticized for being unfair.



Giving rise to public disagreement or debate.


Disputed, Contentious, Debatable, Polemical, Arguable, Questionable, Divisive, Provocative, Opposed, Problematic

Agreeable, Undisputed, Unchallenged, Uncontroversial, Peaceful, Harmonious, Settled, Accepted, Conventional, Bland

The controversial decision sparked protests nationwide.



A measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control.


Control, Discipline, Moderation, Restriction, Suppression, Inhibition, Self-control, Constraint, Limitation, Reserve

Freedom, Excess, Overindulgence, Liberation, Liberty, Impulsiveness, Wildness, Unrestraint, Carelessness, Recklessness

He showed great restraint despite being provoked.

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