The Hindu Vocabulary 18 December 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 18 December 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Sound and fury: On the parliamentary debate on the Constitution”.


Part of speech







Extreme anger or rage.


Rage, Wrath, Anger, Outrage, Madness, Vehemence, Indignation, Irritation, Temper, Ferocity

Calmness, Peace, Serenity, Composure, Tranquility, Patience, Gentleness, Harmony, Coolness, Equanimity

His fury over the unfair decision was evident in his tone.



Someone or something that brings people or things together.

(एकता करने वाला)


Integrator, Harmonizer, Mediator, Coordinator, Connector, Synthesizer, Collaborator, Bond, Reconciler, Aggregator

Divider, Opponent, Disrupter, Separatist, Fragmenter, Dissenter, Disbander, Splitter, Excluder, Segregator

The leader acted as a unifier, bridging the gap between different communities.



A forceful and bitter verbal attack.

(कटु आलोचना)

Tirade, Rant, Harangue, Criticism, Accusation, Condemnation, Rebuke, Denunciation, Invective, Abuse

Praise, Compliment, Commendation, Approval, Flattery, Admiration, Applause, Eulogy, Tribute, Endorsement

The journalist's diatribe against the politician caused a stir in the media.



A deceptive outward appearance; the front of a building.


Front, Exterior, Veneer, Mask, Pretense, Appearance, Surface, Cover, Façade, Outer layer

Reality, Truth, Authenticity, Interior, Depth, Genuineness, Openness, Sincerity, Transparency, Back

Behind her cheerful facade was a world of worries.



A strong supporter of a party, cause, or person.


Supporter, Follower, Adherent, Advocate, Devotee, Fanatic, Zealot, Loyalist, Believer, Disciple

Neutral, Impartial, Unbiased, Fair, Disinterested, Objective, Indifferent, Detached, Nonpartisan, Balanced

His partisan loyalty prevented him from seeing the flaws in his party’s policies.



Something left out or excluded.


Exclusion, Neglect, Oversight, Lapse, Elimination, Deletion, Skip, Miss, Eviction, Absence

Inclusion, Addition, Presence, Incorporation, Retention, Attendance, Insertion, Continuation, Representation, Involvement

His omission of key details weakened his argument.



Serving a useful and positive purpose.


Positive, Helpful, Productive, Beneficial, Valuable, Encouraging, Supportive, Inspirational, Creative, Effective

Destructive, Negative, Harmful, Detrimental, Useless, Damaging, Unproductive, Malicious, Unhelpful, Hostile

The feedback was constructive and helped improve the project.



To take a dispute to a law court for resolution.

(मुकदमा करना)

Sue, Contest, Dispute, Challenge, Prosecute, Claim, Appeal, Argue, File, Arbitrate

Settle, Agree, Reconcile, Mediate, Compromise, Resolve, Harmonize, Avoid, Abandon, Forgo

The company decided to litigate over the breach of contract.



The characteristic spirit or beliefs of a community or culture.


Culture, Spirit, Values, Principles, Character, Ideology, Creed, Philosophy, Morality, Norms

Immorality, Lawlessness, Corruption, Dishonesty, Degeneration, Anarchy, Chaos, Unethicality, Vileness, Depravity

The ethos of the organization promotes fairness and equality.



Favoring or promoting progress or improvement.


Forward-thinking, Advanced, Innovative, Modern, Liberal, Dynamic, Reformist, Evolving, Visionary, Transformative

Conservative, Regressive, Reactionary, Stagnant, Traditional, Static, Old-fashioned, Unchanging, Retrogressive, Oppressive

The politician introduced progressive reforms in education.



The act of examining one’s own thoughts and feelings.



Reflection, Self-analysis, Contemplation, Meditation, Deliberation, Self-awareness, Examination, Rumination, Thoughtfulness, Soul-searching

Extrospection, Indifference, Neglect, Ignorance, Inattention, Disinterest, Avoidance, Distraction, Thoughtlessness, Carelessness

After the mistake, he took time for introspection to avoid repeating it.



Similar in character or related by nature.


Similar, Related, Alike, Comparable, Parallel, Corresponding, Analogous, Close, Kindred, Affiliated

Different, Unrelated, Dissimilar, Alien, Opposite, Contradictory, Distant, Foreign, Divergent, Contrasting

The traditions of these two cultures are akin to one another.

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