The Hindu Vocabulary 4 January 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 4 January 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Faulty compulsion: On the issue of MGNREGS and Aadhaar seeding".


Part of Speech/Idiom







The action or state of being forced or coerced; a strong, irresistible urge to do something.


Constraint, Obligation, Coercion, Force, Drive, Urgency, Necessity, Demand, Pressure

Choice, Freedom, Volition, Willingness, Liberty, Optional, Spontaneity, Discretion, Independence

The compulsion to check his phone every few minutes was hard to resist.



Required or commanded by authority; obligatory; compulsory.


Obligatory, Compulsory, Required, Necessary, Essential, Requisite, Mandatory, Binding, Prescribed, Enforced

Optional, Voluntary, Discretionary, Elective, Noncompulsory, Unrequired, Unnecessary, Permissive, Volitional, Facultative

Attendance at the safety training session is mandatory for all employees.



Causing fear or distress; frightening; indicating a need for immediate attention.


Frightening, Disturbing, Startling, Scary, Terrifying, Appalling, Shocking, Horrifying, Dismaying, Perturbing

Reassuring, Calming, Comforting, Soothing, Relieving, Unalarming, Unconcerning, Nonthreatening

The sudden rise in crime rates is alarming for the local residents.



Something that has a depressing or restraining effect; a discouragement.


Setback, Depressant, Discouragement, Obstacle, Hindrance, Dissuasion, Repression, Downer, Check, Restraint

Encouragement, Booster, Stimulant, Motivator, Uplifter, Incentive, Enhancer, Support, Inspiration

The unexpected delay in the project was a dampener for the team's enthusiasm.



Strong, healthy, and vigorous; full of strength and vitality.


Strong, Healthy, Sturdy, Vigorous, Resilient, Robust, Sound, Fit, Tough, Hardy

Weak, Fragile, Feeble, Frail, Delicate, Debilitated, Infirm, Sensitive, Vulnerable, Pliable

A robust immune system is essential for overall well-being.



A lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts; inconsistency.


Disparity, Difference, Inconsistency, Disagreement, Divergence, Variance, Incongruity, Conflict, Mismatch

Consistency, Agreement, Harmony, Concordance, Uniformity, Accord, Compatibility, Similarity, Correspondence, Conformity

There was a discrepancy between the reported numbers and the actual figures.



In a mistaken or incorrect manner; inaccurately.

(ग़लती से)

Incorrectly, Mistakenly, Inaccurately, Wrongly, Falsely, Fallaciously, Faultily, Untruthfully, Flawedly, Unjustifiably

Correctly, Accurately, Rightly, Truthfully, Justifiably, Properly, Authentically, Validly, Honestly, Legitimately

The data was erroneously entered into the system, leading to confusion.



To turn aside or redirect; to distract or entertain; to change the direction or purpose of something.


Redirect, Deviate, Turn, Deflect, Shift, Change, Amuse, Entertain, Distract, Divert, Channel

Direct, Continue, Focus, Concentrate, Remain, Stay, Persist, Keep on, Hold, Sustain

The diversion of funds from the education budget raised concerns among parents.



To establish or apply by authority; to force upon others; to place a burden or obligation.


Enforce, Inflict, Dictate, Levy, Mandate, Introduce, Impose, Apply, Ordain, Command

Lift, Remove, Relieve, Abolish, Cancel, Discontinue, Release, Abandon, Cease, Free

The government decided to impose new regulations to address environmental concerns.



The action of freeing someone from a duty or obligation; being excluded from a rule or requirement.


Immunity, Exception, Relief, Exclusion, Freedom, Release, Dispensation, Privilege, Liberation, Exceptionality

Inclusion, Obligation, Requirement, Duty, Conformity, Adherence, Responsibility, Accountability, Involvement, Compliance

Some individuals may qualify for exemption from certain taxes based on their income level.



To find out for certain; to make sure of; to verify or confirm.

(पता लगाना)

Determine, Confirm, Verify, Discover, Establish, Find out, Learn, Check, Uncover, Authenticate

Disregard, Ignore, Neglect, Disbelieve, Overlook, Miss, Dismiss, Reject

The detective worked diligently to ascertain the truth behind the mysterious disappearance.



Containing a fault or defect; not functioning properly; flawed or imperfect.


Defective, Flawed, Imperfect, Malfunctioning, Unsound, Incorrect, Inaccurate, Unsatisfactory, Poor, Substandard

Perfect, Flawless, Correct, Functioning, Intact, Sound, Accurate, Adequate, Reliable, Efficient

The faulty wiring in the old building caused frequent electrical issues.


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