The Hindu Vocabulary 5 January 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 5 January 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Striking fear: On hit-and-run accident cases and Section 106 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita".


Part of Speech/Idiom







The quality or state of being severe; the harshness or intensity of something.


Intensity, Harshness, Seriousness, Rigor, Sternness, Gravity, Austerity, Cruelty, Rigidity, Acuteness

Mildness, Gentleness, Leniency, Softness, Kindness, Moderation, Tolerance, Compassion, Mildness, Flexibility

The severity of the storm led to widespread damage in the area.



To make a situation, injury, or offense worse or more serious; to exacerbate.


Worsen, Intensify, Exacerbate, Escalate, Irritate, Provoke, Heighten, Agitate, Compound, Exasperate

Alleviate, Improve, Mitigate, Ease, Pacify, Relieve, Ameliorate, Calm, Soothe, Moderate

His constant complaints only served to aggravate the already tense situation.



Failure to take proper care; the state or quality of being negligent.


Carelessness, Neglect, Oversight, Inattention, Dereliction, Inadvertence, Indifference, Heedlessness, Recklessness, Laxity

Diligence, Care, Attention, Conscientiousness, Prudence, Vigilance, Caution, Scrutiny, Watchfulness, Alertness

The accident was a result of the driver's negligence in following traffic rules.



To refrain voluntarily from doing something; to choose not to vote.


Refrain, Forbear, Renounce, Withhold, Avoid, Desist, Forego, Waive, Eschew, Abjure

Indulge, Engage, Partake, Embrace, Participate, Consume, Accept, Approve, Support, Advocate

During Lent, many people choose to abstain from certain indulgences.



To turn to and adopt a course of action, especially an undesirable one,  so as to resolve a difficult situation.

(उपाय अपनाना)

Turn to, Adopt, Utilize, Employ, Apply, Have recourse to, Fall back on, Use, Choose, Deploy

Avoid, Shun, Reject, Disregard, Dismiss, Disapprove, Overlook, Ignore, Neglect, Forsake

When negotiations failed, they had to resort to legal action to resolve the dispute.



The state of being responsible for something, especially by law; a person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to put one at a disadvantage.


Responsibility, Obligation, Accountability, Burden, Duty, Blame, Onus, Encumbrance, Hindrance, Culpability

Immunity, Exemption, Advantage, Asset, Blessing, Freedom, Liberation, Relief, Advantage, Privilege

The company faces a financial liability for the damages caused by their product.



Having or showing tact; diplomatic and considerate.

(सूझबूझ से भरा)

Diplomatic, Considerate, Polite, Skillful, Discreet, Thoughtful, Judicious, Savvy, Gracious, Gentle

Indiscreet, Inconsiderate, Blunt, Insensitive, Rude, Brash, Tactless, Offensive, Unsubtle, Injudicious

She handled the delicate situation with tactful words and empathy.



Rigorously binding or exacting; strict; severe.


Strict, Rigorous, Severe, Harsh, Stern, Tough, Stringent, Exact, Precise, Rigid

Lenient, Flexible, Mild, Moderate, Permissive, Relaxed, Easygoing, Lax, Loose, Tolerant

The company implemented stringent safety measures to prevent accidents.



Deserving blame or censure; guilty.


Guilty, Blameworthy, Responsible, Liable, Accountable, Condemnable, Reprehensible, Delinquent, Erring, At fault

Innocent, Blameless, Faultless, Uninvolved, Irresponsible, Absolved, Exonerated, Clean, Virtuous, Pure

The court found the defendant culpable for the financial fraud.



To run away quickly from a dangerous or frightening situation.


Run away, Escape, Abscond, Bolt, Depart, Fly, Retreat, Scram, Evacuate, Elude

Stay, Remain, Arrive, Approach, Encounter, Face, Confront, Stop, Halt, Advance

Fearing for their lives, the villagers had to flee from the advancing wildfire.



Responsibility for something; a burden or responsibility.


Burden, Responsibility, Duty, Obligation, Load, Weight, Charge, Accountability, Blame, Encumbrance

Advantage, Asset, Privilege, Benefit, Liberation, Relief, Freedom, Blessing, Assistance, Support

The onus of proof lies with the prosecution in a criminal trial.



Closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered.


Pertinent, Appropriate, Applicable, Related, Connected, Suitable, Fitting, Material, Significant

Irrelevant, Inappropriate, Inapplicable, Unrelated, Extraneous, Unconnected, Immaterial, Unfitting, Unsuitable

The data presented should be relevant to the topic under discussion.


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