The Hindu Vocabulary 6 January 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 5 January 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Shielding SEBI: On Supreme Court’s ruling and SEBI probe”.


Part of Speech/Idiom







A broad piece of metal or another suitable material, held by straps or a handle attached on one side, used as a protection against blows or missiles.


Protect, Guard, Defend, Safeguard, Cover, Shelter, Screen, Shield, Armor, Bulwark

Expose, Endanger, Attack, Assault, Harm, Uncover, Jeopardize, Vulnerable, Unshielded, Defenseless

The knight raised his shield to block the incoming arrows.



A crucial investigation.


Examination, Exploration, Inquest, Research

Answer, Misunderstand

A probe is going on in the National Treasury fraud case.


To search and explore thoroughly.

(परख करना)

Dig, Examine, Inquire, Penetrate

Ignore, Reply

The detective continued to probing mystery, searching for clues.



Wrongful conduct by a public official.

(अनैतिक कृत्य)

Wrongdoing, Misconduct, Corruption, Impropriety, Misbehavior, Unlawfulness, Infraction, Violation, Malefaction, Breach

Integrity, Honesty, Virtue, Righteousness, Uprightness, Rectitude, Morality, Probity, Righteousness

The investigation uncovered instances of malfeasance in the government office.



A sincere or humble request.

A plea.


Appeal, Plea, Petition, Supplication, Request, Prayer, Pleading, Imploration, Supplication, Begging

Demand, Order, Command, Dictate, Instruction, Requirement

He made a heartfelt entreaty to be given a second chance.



The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment.

The soundness of an action or decision.


Knowledge, Understanding, Insight, Judgment, Prudence, Sagacity, Discernment, Acumen, Intelligence, Wisdom

Foolishness, Stupidity, Ignorance, Folly, Imprudence, Injudiciousness

Seeking wisdom, she consulted with experienced mentors before making a decision.



Expressed or performed with emphasis.


Forceful, Strong, Intense, Vigorous, Assertive, Energetic, Passionate, Dynamic, Resolute, Assertive

Weak, Feeble, Unconvincing, Mild, Gentle, Subdued, Unemphatic

The manager made an emphatic statement about the company's commitment to quality.



Done consciously and intentionally.


Intentional, Purposeful, Planned, Calculated, Premeditated, Considered, Reflective, Thoughtful, Cautious, Deliberative

Accidental, Unintentional, Inadvertent, Hasty, Impulsive, Unplanned, Thoughtless, Careless

The team made a deliberate effort to analyze all available options before making a decision.



To be relevant to or connected with a particular subject or situation.

(संबंधित होना)

Relate, Concern, Apply, Appertain, Touch, Connect, Bear on, Have reference to, Relate to

Exclude, Omit, Disregard, Irrelevant, Dismiss, Ignore

The rules pertain specifically to employees working in this department.



Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.

(उतार-चढ़ाव भरा)

Whimsical, Fickle, Unpredictable, Changeable, Erratic, Inconstant, Unstable, Flighty, Impulsive, Mercurial

Stable, Steady, Predictable, Consistent, Unchanging, Reliable, Constant, Steadfast, Reliable

The weather was capricious, alternating between sunshine and rain.



Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.


Random, Unpredictable, Capricious, Unreasonable, Whimsical, Haphazard, Chance, Irrational, Wilful, Fortuitous

Systematic, Rational, Reasoned, Logical, Methodical, Planned, Thoughtful

The decision seemed arbitrary and lacked a clear rationale.



To make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.

To satisfy or appease.

(शांत करना)

Alleviate, Mitigate, Relieve, Ease, Soothe, Palliate, Quell, Appease, Allay, Calm,

Aggravate, Intensify, Worsen, Heighten, Escalate, Increase, Exacerbate, Irritate, Provoke, Inflame

A warm cup of tea helped assuage her anxiety after a stressful day at work.

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