The Hindu Vocabulary 28 June 2022


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 28 June 2022 is from the Editorial titled ‘Green as always: On Wimbledon 2022 shorning of ranking points.’


Part of Speech/Idiom







Giving great pleasure.

Highly pleasing.

(रमणीय/ आनंदमय/ हर्षजनक/ आनंदित/ सुहावना/ मनोहर/ आनंददायक/ सुखद)

Alluring, Amusing, Luscious, Pleasing, Beautiful, Captivating, Refreshing, Satisfying, Enchanting, Engaging, Entertaining, Fascinating, Lovely

Boring, Disagreeable, Homely, Horrible, Offensive, Repulsive, Tiring, Ugly, Unfunny, Unpleasant, Repulsive

My wife gave me a delightful surprise on my birthday.



Belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.

Characterizing out of date or old fashioned.

Pertaining to anachronism.

(कालभ्रमित/ कालदोष-युक्त)

Bitter, Bleak, Grim, Hard, Rigid, Sharp, Punitive, Brutal, Relentless, Ruthless

Bland, Bright, Low, Mild, Calm, Agreeable, Bland, Cheerful

Many practices in my area seem anachronistic.



Having its original purity.

Relating or belonging to the earliest period or state.

Not spoiled.

(प्राचीन/ पुराना/ पूर्वकालीन/ प्राचीन समय का/ मौलिक/ असली)

Immaculate, Intact, Natural, Snowy, Spotless, Sterile, Untouched, Original, Primal, Purified, Refined

Affected, Dirty, Stale

He always wears a pristine white or blue shirt.




An act of throwing back.

A person or thing that imitates or evokes something from the past.

Something that is like something that existed in the past.


Estate, Gift, Tradition, Backsliding, Relapse, Atavism, Lapse, Recession, Regression

Advance, Progress

I found your  house as a throwback to 17th century mansions.



A long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.


Epoch, Age, Period, Time, Span


The retirement of MS Dhoni marks an end of an era in the cricket world.



An instance of lying concealed or hidden so as to attack by surprise.

The concealed position from which a surprise attack is to be made.

An individual or group concealed for a surprise attack.


Ambuscade, Camouflage, Concealment, Deception, Lurking, Pitfall, Shelter, Hiding


Our sharp shooter was waiting in the ambush.


To attack by surprise from a hidden place.

(घात लगाना/ घातस्थान/ घात-टुकड़ी)

Assault, Surround, Trap, Waylay, Ambuscade, Assail, Bushwhack, Decoy


We were ambushed by the enemies.



To return evil for evil.

To repay in kind.

To make an attack in return for a similar attack.

(प्रतिकार करना/ बदला लेना/ बदले में चोट करना/  प्रतिशोध लेना)

Reciprocate, Get, Pay, Recompense, Repay, Requite, Avenge, Redress, Revenge

Absolve, Condone, Excuse, Forgive, Pardon, Remit, Depart, Leave, Lose

The gang will retaliate since one of their members has been attacked.



Excluding something as an exception.

Except for.

(को छोड़कर/ के सिवाय/ बिना)

Except for, Excepting, Bar, Other than, Apart from, Aside from, Besides, But

All, Inclusive

Barring any Marvel movie coming on television, I will go for a walk.



To make full or complete again.

To supply with fresh fuel.

To fill again.

To fill with inspiration or power.

(भरपाई / फिर से भरना / पुनःपूर्ति करना)

Refill, Refresh, Restock, Restore, Furnish, Provide, Provision, Reload

Damage, Deplete, Waste

Our staff replenished the bowls as soon as they were getting emptied.



In appearance but not in actuality.

Used to indicate how something appears.

(मालूम होता है/ प्रतीत होता है/ उचित रूप में/ कदाचित)

Ostensibly, Clearly, Surely, Obviously, Professedly


The maths exercise contains seemingly simple problems.



Unlikely to be true.

Not likely to happen.

(असंभव/ अनहीन/ बदमाशी/ धूर्तता)

Fanciful, Flimsy, Implausible, Rare, Unbelievable, Unlikely, Doubtful, Dubious

Believable, Likely, Ordinary, Plausible, Probable, Real, Ostensible, Possible

The team fought hard and made an improbable comeback in the final quarter.



Royal authority.

The period during which a sovereign occupies the throne.

Dominating influence.

(शासन/ राज/ राज्य-काल/ शासन-राज्य)

Dynasty, Regime, Tenure, Administration, Control, Empire, Hegemony, Ascendancy

Impotence, Incapacity, Powerlessness, Inferiority

She remained popular during her reign.


To possess sovereign power.

To hold the position and name of sovereign without exercising the ruling power.

To have control.

(राज्य करना/ शासन करना)

Dominate, Govern, Occupy, Predominate, Administer, Boss, Command, Helm, Influence, Manage, Obtain

Surrender, Follow, Submit, Serve, Yield, Mismanage

The time during which he has reigned was a golden period for the nation.



Evidence or authority of status.

Certified documents or information that identifies an account.

(साख/ स्थिति का प्रमाण या अधिकार/ प्रमाणित दस्तावेज़ या जानकारी जो किसी खाते की पहचान करती है।)

Authentic, Conceivable, Convincing, Credible, Persuasive, Plausible, Authorization, Certification

Implausible, Improbable, Inconceivable, Incredible, Breach, Break

She denied me the credentials to log in to the system.


To give credentials to someone for academic or professional purposes.

(शैक्षणिक या व्यावसायिक उद्देश्यों के लिए किसी को साख देना।)



Harry has been credentialled to serve in the Navy.


Providing the basis of confidence.

(विश्वास का आधार प्रदान करना।)



The credential holders assisted the drivers in parking the cars.



Feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with.


Critical, Dire, Urgent, Despondent, Futile, Dangerous

Afraid, Cowardly, Trivial, Moderate, Unimportant

Draco looked desperate to win the award.

Skill set


A set of skills

A collection of skills and abilities that a person possesses.




She has the proper skill set to be an effective boss.

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