The Hindu Vocabulary 19 January 2024


The vocabulary for The Hindu Editorial 19 January 2024 is from the Editorial titled “Regional turmoil: On the West Asia situation".


Part of Speech/Idiom







A group of soldiers or other organized group of people.


Army, Unit, Squad, Battalion, Regiment, Platoon, Brigade, Company, Division, Formation

Individual, Civilian, Disband, Scatter, Disperse, Separate, Dissolve, Break up, Unite, Mobilize

The troop marched in perfect formation during the parade.



A person who resists or defies authority, control, or tradition.


Dissenter, Insurgent, Revolutionary, Agitator, Renegade, Mutineer, Dissident, Subversive, Insurrectionist, Nonconformist

Loyalist, Conformist, Obedient, Compliant, Follower, Submissive, Devotee, Supporter, Adherent, Patriotic

The rebel leader fought for freedom against the oppressive regime.



To respond to an action with a corresponding one, typically of the same kind.

(प्रतिक्रिया करना)

Counter, Strike back, Revenge, Respond, Reciprocate, Retribute, Reprisal, Payback, Counterattack, Hit back

Forgive, Pardon, Absolve, Overlook, Ignore, Tolerate, Endure, Accept, Let go, Turn the other cheek

The nation vowed to retaliate against any aggression with equal force.



Complete disorder and confusion.


Disorder, Confusion, Anarchy, Turmoil, Pandemonium, Havoc, Bedlam, Tumult, Mayhem, Disarray

Order, Harmony, Organization, Structure, System, Peace, Calm, Tranquility, Stability, Control

After the earthquake, the city was plunged into chaos as people tried to find their loved ones amidst the rubble.



Lack of stability or firmness; tendency to change or fluctuate.


Uncertainty, Unsteadiness, Volatility, Fluctuation, Inconstancy, Shakiness, Wavering, Fickleness, Variability, Changeability

Stability, Steadiness, Consistency, Firmness, Solidity, Permanence, Reliability, Certainty, Durability, Immovability

The political instability in the region led to economic uncertainty and unrest.



A rapid increase or intensification, often in conflict or tension.


Increase, Intensification, Augmentation, Advancement, Heightening, Amplification, Expansion, Surge, Boost, Build-up

Decrease, Reduction, De-escalation, Diminution, Subsiding, Lessening, Decline, Moderation, Retraction, Minimization

The dispute between the two countries resulted in the escalation of military tensions.



A state of disorder due to the absence or non-recognition of authority or government.


Chaos, Disorder, Lawlessness, Pandemonium, Turmoil, Mayhem, Confusion, Rebellion, Anomie, Insurrection

Order, Governance, Authority, Rule, Stability, Peace, Organization, Harmony, Control, Structure

The power vacuum led to a state of anarchy, with no one in control.



Become aware or conscious of something through the senses.

(प्राप्त करना)

Notice, Detect, Recognize, Discern, Comprehend, Grasp, Realize, Understand, Sense, Apprehend

Ignore, Overlook, Disregard, Miss, Neglect, Oversee, Misunderstand, Overlook, Neglect, Disregard

He could perceive a change in the atmosphere as the storm approached.



The reestablishment of a friendly relationship between two parties.

(मित्रता स्थापना)

Reconciliation, Rapprochement, Understanding, Harmony, Reunion, Reconnection, Accord, Resolution, Rapport, Consolation

Estrangement, Alienation, Hostility, Discord, Disagreement, Conflict, Disunity, Division, Friction, Rivalry

The leaders aimed for a reapprochement after years of diplomatic tensions.



Discourage someone from doing something by instilling doubt or fear.

(निरुत्साहित करना)

Discourage, Prevent, Dissuade, Hinder, Inhibit, Frighten, Dishearten, Daunt, Repel, Thwart

Encourage, Motivate, Inspire, Embolden, Urge, Persuade, Spur, Support, Promote, Incite

The strong military presence was meant to deter any potential aggression.



Not able to be predicted; uncertain.


Unforeseeable, Capricious, Erratic, Variable, Random, Unstable, Inconsistent, Fickle, Volatile, Uncertain

Predictable, Certain, Stable, Regular, Consistent, Reliable, Steady, Constant, Uniform, Expected

The weather in the mountains is notoriously unpredictable, changing rapidly throughout the day.


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